Wives of those with CF


New member
I am just wondering (for those of you who fall under this category) about having children with a man who has CF. We recently went to my husband's doctors appointment, and his doctor said most men with CF can't have babies. He said that most couples opt for invetro, but have any of you been successful the natural way. Also, do your children have CF? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Hon, check out this site, www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com I have more "success stories" coming shortly (I hope <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ). I have a few people committed to write them up already but life is busy, so they will do it when they have time. So far I have been in contact with 4 other CF (male CF) couples who have had success with IVF. CHeck out the site and let me know if you have any questions!

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinferitlity.com">www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com</a>


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can't spell today...
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com">www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com</a>


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Well, I am in the .5% of males that can create a child the natural way. I had a test done about a month and a half ago to check my fertility and last friday I found out that I am going to be a father! It's all happened so quick and is still sinking in...
Both my brother and I have CF. MY brother has been married for nearly four years. They had never been able to have a child. He did have himself tested and he was fertile so they did do invetro and low and behold TWINS!!!!! It was such an exciting time in their and our lives. Neither of them have CF because his wife is not a carrier. She was tested before the invetro. But both of them are carriers because their dad has CF. I hope that makes sense. Invetro can be very expensive, but if you can afford it I think it would be well worth it. I have a 14 month old now and I don't know what I would ever do without her. If its too expensive, there is always adoption! Good Luck!