women only ???


New member
When I started my period about 7 years ago it was of course abnormal bcuz I had just started. Well it got to be where my cycles were 36 days long. This went on for about 2 1/2 years. Well, one cycle it just changed to every 27-29 days, and it's still like this. It comes every month and is pretty normal, but for the past year it only last about 1.5-2 days. It used to last about 3-4. I also always got cramps and my boobs were sore and tender. Well in the past 3 months, I never get cramps and my boobs don't get sore or tender. They do swell up a bit, but that's all. Is this normal?


New member
My periods use to last me about a week. Now they've slowly gone down to having my period last for about 2-4 days now. I'm not sure what the cause is. They are regular, or for the most part anyway. I get mine every 28-33 days. My boobs use to get huge and soar for the week before my period, but latley I find I'm not getting sore boobs. I still get mild cramping though, but even that isn't as bad as it used to be. I wish I knew why.


New member
My body has changed over time. My boobs were the first sign that I was due for my period. Now they hardly ever hurt, but I get a lot more bloated. I wouldnt worry too much unless you dont bleed at all or something else seems problematic!


New member
I remember my cycle changing about every seven years too. I use to go seven days straight and then years later, I went down to three times a week. Then when my new lungs arrived, I went back to having horrible cramps for a few days of the cycle (that lasted one year when they reduced one of my drugs) and a few years later back to three days for each cycle. Then with my second transplant just have one bad day of a four day cycle. Now my Breasts no longer have anymore pain once I started taking a new B complex. That is my recent finding. No more tenderness yay. Today is the worst day of of my cycle so I can say that Maltilda is having her RED cadillac in the shop today.


New member
I never realized that periods are not a standard one package deal-everyone is different.
A great book to read about this is Taking charge of Your Fertility-explains how periods can be different in people. Fascinating stuff.
I wouldn't worry-asuming you go to the gynocologist every so often for checkups-I've always been pretty regular. But when I switch birth control I get all wacky-and remember the meds we are on can mess up up our hormones as well.