A friend of mine hires a college student to "nanny" too. We have a University and two colleges in our town, plus a tech school, so she advertises online on the schools' job service sites.
We were fortunate to have found an excellent preschool/daycare center. They have structured activities (school) for a little bit in the morning, play time, meals, naps. Heck, this past spring they got DS working on his potty training. I was waiting for HIM to give me the sign that he was ready. Apparently he was, but I didn't have a clue as to how to start. Being a new parent, and really not having and friends or family members who have been there, done that, it's nice to have some insight from someone who dealt with children for 25+ year -- the director started her daycare center because she had children of her own. It's nice knowing that DS is in excellent hands.