I hope I am posting this in the right spot. I have a 26 month old son who weighs 23 pounds, 10 oz and he is 32 1/5 inches long. He has had very little weight gain or height gain since April. At todays pediatrician appointment the Dr. said that she would like to run some tests to see if he has Cystic Fibrosis or something else (or nothing at all). I have noticed on a few occasions that my son emits an odor similar to that of maple syrup and I was wondering if anyone knew of any connection between that and Cystic Fibrosis. I think she is worried because of my sons size as well as his frequent bowel movements. He goes on average of about 13 times a day. All I know is that right now I am very worried and scared and I am not sure what I should do or think. I read on a few other websites the symptoms of CF and the only ones he seems to have are the ones I indicated above, but I am still scared.