worried mom needs some questions answered


New member
My 2 yr old son is having the sweat test done in a few days bc the doctors suspect he has CF. This is on top of over 10 diagnoses for other non-related problems!! He has chronic diarrhea, fat in his stool, digestive problems as well as problems with his pancreas, slow growth as of the past 6 months, sleeplessness... but NO coughing or respitory problems. Could it really still be CF? We are just anxiously waiting for some more info while waiting to take the test. Please, feel free to email me at smrejack@wowway.com - we are in Columbus, OH and would love to talk with someone about this!!Thanks,Michaela<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi,Unfortunately it could still be CF. The unabsorbed fat, slow growth and pancreatic issues are all a big part of CF. While most people have lung involvement too, others don't or only have it to a lesser degree. The same goes for the digestive issues. I hope the sweat test is negative.Andrea


New member
Unfortunately it still can be. I was diagnosed with CF at 7 years old after many, many difficult years of chronic diahrea, cramps etc. I was tested for all allergies that tests were available for then. At that time I had no respiratory involvement except a bout of bronchitis when I was 2 years old. As I neared & entered puberty, my lungs became much more involved & today I would say that both are equally involved. For many years I didnt take enzymes. Even tho I was able to maintain my weight without them, I wasnt getting the full value of the food I ate since I was still not obsorbing as much fat as I could. After about 12 years or so of not using them, I returned to them. Now I can not miss them for even the slightest thing or I know the difference. I may not get diahrea, but I will at least get the same terrible smelling gas that use to clear the room. Some CF patients go their whole lives with only one aspect of CF being the primary "problem". Everyone is different yet we are all the same. I guess that applies to life as well as CF, huh? By the way I am a 35 year old, stay at home Mom with CF. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
in cf, often lung problems don't start until later age, and it's only failure to thrive, diarrhea and other things you've described, at first stages of life. there are people who didn't have lung problems until their teens, twenties or even thrities. i myself started having them when i was 7, but up until then, it was pretty much what you described with your son. so yes, it could be cf.but let us know what were the results of the sweat test!