Would we like a cure or am i just crazy?


New member
here's a question that's always playing in my mind and i love to get everyone's view on, if tomorrow we woke up and there was news that there was a cure fo cf, how would you feel? It may seem silly to some of you or all of you but i often think that the journey of life with cf although painful, crazily annoying most of the time is also kind of a gift, i feel, that compared to my friends i am some how lucky to have it, to remind myself not to take anything for granted, to meet people and help them and let them help you, like this site, i wouldn't have found this site only i wanted to hear everyone's experiances, let them help me and hopefully help them and often my family and friends say to me of how they seem to learn so much and appreciate what they have by seeing what i go through and how i live and i always tell them of how i'm the lucky one to be able to do that for them? I mean again i at times do feel sorry for myself, do wish i didn't have cf and sometimes even envy my friends for having such great health but really deep down know i don't think i would change anything b/c cf is part of me...am i crazy? Does anyone else have a different view or the same view? I'd love to read you're replies xx


New member
This is a very good question. I have been asked that if I could have choosen to not be born with cf, would I? The answer is no. I have learned so much from having the disease, and it has truly made me the person I am today (and I very much like who I have become). I grew up in a dysfunctional home, and I think that because of my having cf, it helped me to see and experience things on a different level that has kept me from making bad life decisions. CF (like any ailment) can really be a true test of character (both for ourselves and others), and it's a continuing lesson that I learn from everyday.

Now, if you ask me would I like to wake up tomorrow and be cured? Yes. At 33, I know there is still more that cf can teach me, but there are other things in life that I want to experience and not have to deal with the 'side effects' of cf - like owning a home and getting married without having to worry about insurance problems. Not having to worry about getting very sick and wondering who will take care of me when I need help taking care of myself. Being able to have a baby and not worry about what it will do to my health or the babys. Can I wake up and know that I'll never get sicker than what I am now? I'll take that too.


New member
Good question! Well I feel that I would change absolutely nothing in my life. Because life is a series of a chain of events. I mean Id love to change my lung functions cas they're crap!!! But would I take away cf? Probably not. I mean it would make life a whole lot easier, but I think as you said, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didnt have it.

There have been times where I have been upset, when I seem to get chest infection after chest infection, where I have to spend ages in hospital, (especially when the rooms are not nice and are teeny tiny!) but those bad times, are just that, bad times. I think its good to be postitve, Iv often found it helps me through the hard times.

If there was to be a cure tomorrow, I'd take it, but unfortunately a lot of damage has already happened in my lungs, but at least I wouldnt have to take creon again. Actually, if I could have one wish it wouldnt be to cure my cf, it would be to give me an appetite!!!
I have to agree with Barb on this one! My husband, boyfriend at the time would get so mad at me because I never wanted a cure. I knew that CF had oade me the person that I am and I am very proud of that. I know that it has made me strong and wise and compassionate in ways that nothing else could have. Having said that through these past few years of declining health and staring death in the face a cure would definitely come in handy! I would love to not have to worry about the whole insurance bit, having more children, and raising the beautiful daughter that I have. It is amazing how views change as you get older and hopefully I have gotten wiser; at least in some areas of my life. I do undertand your feelings though princessgiggles and shamrock. I know that CF helps me to live life to the fullest, but it also holds me back from doing things that I have loved to do when CF wasnt as promintent.



New member
My god if i woke up tomorrow and there was a cure for cf then i would go and find it straight away no questions asked and i would be so happy that i would have a big party
I'm a bit late on this topic as I haven't checked the forums lately, however I wanted to add my input as well. I agree with you, that CF has made me who I am as a person; not entirely of course, but it has played a big role in my life and helped me become who I am. However, if a cure were to be found I'd take it but I'd never forget that I had it and how it has helped me become who I am. I believe I am a better person in part because of it.


New member
<b>Text</b> If I could wake up tomorrow and the hospital told me there was a cure 4 c.f id be so happy to be getting cured! but in another way id sorta feel bad because what about all da cf kids that have already died and didnt get the chance 2 get cf cured! But saying that id still want to be cured and id be so so greatful afterwards! you wouldnt ever take it 4 granted!
But you have just got to keep on top of ya self and keep doin all your medicans until it comes to the day when they say theres a cure!! and hopefully it would be pretty soon! if anyone wants 2 chat to me add me or email me on DB100_54@HOTMAIL.COM im 15 by da way! Love Danielle xx<font color=white style="background-color: 3E3E3E;">Text</font ft><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Heck yes I'd be happy. I want a cure. Also, what would happen to this board? I have private reasons for being revolted and disgusted at this board, so it's pretty obvious it would fall apart.<img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">

no, I'm just kidding. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really do dislike this board, I don't know why I post here, but I wouldn't be happy if it fell apart. That would be mean.

Back on topic.
Yes, I would be happy. Lesse, first I'd jump up and down screaming "Thank you Lord!" for about three hours, but when I finally passed out from exhaustion, I'd wake up and party on this board! Then my family would party with me, and we'd all head to pizza hut and then go to the movies or something...and there'd probably be a national celebration, which I would join.

-Voriki, Toa of Energy


New member
Why dont you log in arag/Voirki? Whats wrong with these boards? I think they're great. I've gained so much confidence from been a member of them...


New member
If a cure popped up tomorrow, I don't think I'd go for it, simply because I've lived so long already with CF, and I figure "why not finish life out the way it was supposed to be." I'm 18 now, but let's say, if i was 10 years old it would be a different story.

That's what I don't understand about lung transplants. You live for x amount of years in pain, suffering, etc to the point where you need new lungs and you'll basically have normal lung function. I say, I've lived life so long with crappy lungs, what would be the point of having new ones, and why couldn't I have had the new ones from the start.

My logic probably makes no sense, but hopefully this is another viewpoint that can be thrown into the pot.


New member
having CF is a total mixed blessing, i feel like its made me who i am today, and right now im prepared to live the rest of my life with it. if there was a cure though tomarrow i would wait to be 'cured' atleast 3 years b/c being 15 right now, i don't feel too threatened by the disease. and plus.....i love eating! i tell my friends all the time that if i didnt have CF i'd prolly be obese! haha

so i gues my answer is, eventually i would be cured, but i'd like CF to be something that influences me everyday even if i didnt have it anymore b/c its been that infulencial thus far in my life.