Would wearing an elevation training mask improve lung function?


New member
It's a mask that has elevations equal to mt everest (I believe you can adjust it though). If I were to wear it while walking or exercising would it improve lung function? Would it even help if I just wore it while sleeping?


New member
No. What those do is make you breathe through tiny holes and limit your breathing and that's not very convenient for CF'ers and the opposite of what we want. Especially when excercising.
(The PEP mask on the exhale that we use to bring up gunk is a different story.)

Athletes do high altitude training mainly to increase their red blood cell count (which carry oxygen around) and it does not directly increase their lungfunction.
Even if such a mask could provoke an increase in red blood cells the effect for us would be far too small to notice. Worse, if we needed that then the negatives of using such a mask would be too great. (Ie: We'd be unconscious)
Ofcourse we get "high altitude training" anyway for free (without needing any Batman villain type masks) as our lungfunction decreases..
(That's not to say you shouldn't go out and buy any Batman villain type masks just not these)


New member
No. What those do is make you breathe through tiny holes and limit your breathing and that's not very convenient for CF'ers and the opposite of what we want. Especially when excercising.
(The PEP mask on the exhale that we use to bring up gunk is a different story.)

Athletes do high altitude training mainly to increase their red blood cell count (which carry oxygen around) and it does not directly increase their lungfunction.
Even if such a mask could provoke an increase in red blood cells the effect for us would be far too small to notice. Worse, if we needed that then the negatives of using such a mask would be too great. (Ie: We'd be unconscious)
Ofcourse we get "high altitude training" anyway for free (without needing any Batman villain type masks) as our lungfunction decreases..
(That's not to say you shouldn't go out and buy any Batman villain type masks just not these)
That was kinda depressing lol, but it can still help I'm guessing?


New member
I don't think it will, no..
But if you already have one and it looks like a gasmask then you could get creative, somehow hook your nebulizer up to it and do some badass anarchist looking nebbing.