Xopenex (or Albuterol) and HTS


New member
Okay, I was thinking- since I am supposed to do the Xopenex before the HTS, and the HTS is just saline, is there any problem anyone knows about with doing my Xopenex, and then putting the HTS in the same neb immediately after?

I know I'm lazy, but if I do that, I can wash my nebs and boil every 4 treatments, instead of every 3 with the 8 nebs (I usually) have.


New member
Okay, I was thinking- since I am supposed to do the Xopenex before the HTS, and the HTS is just saline, is there any problem anyone knows about with doing my Xopenex, and then putting the HTS in the same neb immediately after?

I know I'm lazy, but if I do that, I can wash my nebs and boil every 4 treatments, instead of every 3 with the 8 nebs (I usually) have.


New member
Okay, I was thinking- since I am supposed to do the Xopenex before the HTS, and the HTS is just saline, is there any problem anyone knows about with doing my Xopenex, and then putting the HTS in the same neb immediately after?

I know I'm lazy, but if I do that, I can wash my nebs and boil every 4 treatments, instead of every 3 with the 8 nebs (I usually) have.


New member
Okay, I was thinking- since I am supposed to do the Xopenex before the HTS, and the HTS is just saline, is there any problem anyone knows about with doing my Xopenex, and then putting the HTS in the same neb immediately after?

I know I'm lazy, but if I do that, I can wash my nebs and boil every 4 treatments, instead of every 3 with the 8 nebs (I usually) have.


New member
Okay, I was thinking- since I am supposed to do the Xopenex before the HTS, and the HTS is just saline, is there any problem anyone knows about with doing my Xopenex, and then putting the HTS in the same neb immediately after?

I know I'm lazy, but if I do that, I can wash my nebs and boil every 4 treatments, instead of every 3 with the 8 nebs (I usually) have.


New member
Okay, I was thinking- since I am supposed to do the Xopenex before the HTS, and the HTS is just saline, is there any problem anyone knows about with doing my Xopenex, and then putting the HTS in the same neb immediately after?

I know I'm lazy, but if I do that, I can wash my nebs and boil every 4 treatments, instead of every 3 with the 8 nebs (I usually) have.


New member
We were told to wait a few mins after you take your Albuterol or Xopenex to let you lungs open up a little bit.

This will give you time to clean it out, or better yet do you have a neb. kit for both. But I would think mixing the meds (if a little is left over from you alb. or xoponex then I would consider that mixing) is not good.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with DDF508 and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
We were told to wait a few mins after you take your Albuterol or Xopenex to let you lungs open up a little bit.

This will give you time to clean it out, or better yet do you have a neb. kit for both. But I would think mixing the meds (if a little is left over from you alb. or xoponex then I would consider that mixing) is not good.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with DDF508 and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
We were told to wait a few mins after you take your Albuterol or Xopenex to let you lungs open up a little bit.

This will give you time to clean it out, or better yet do you have a neb. kit for both. But I would think mixing the meds (if a little is left over from you alb. or xoponex then I would consider that mixing) is not good.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with DDF508 and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
We were told to wait a few mins after you take your Albuterol or Xopenex to let you lungs open up a little bit.

This will give you time to clean it out, or better yet do you have a neb. kit for both. But I would think mixing the meds (if a little is left over from you alb. or xoponex then I would consider that mixing) is not good.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with DDF508 and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
We were told to wait a few mins after you take your Albuterol or Xopenex to let you lungs open up a little bit.

This will give you time to clean it out, or better yet do you have a neb. kit for both. But I would think mixing the meds (if a little is left over from you alb. or xoponex then I would consider that mixing) is not good.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with DDF508 and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
We were told to wait a few mins after you take your Albuterol or Xopenex to let you lungs open up a little bit.

This will give you time to clean it out, or better yet do you have a neb. kit for both. But I would think mixing the meds (if a little is left over from you alb. or xoponex then I would consider that mixing) is not good.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with DDF508 and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
I use the eflow now so that is one neb cup for all the meds[<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">but when I used the Pari LC plus neb cups I would do albuteral first then follow with a new neb cup for the pulmozyme. Next I would put the HS in the same neb that I used for the albuteral.

After all we are talking salt water (HS) and as long as the neb cup was empty from the albuteral I could see no logical reason not to use it for the HS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Just wanted to add that I did sterilize all Pari LC neb cups after each treatment (well, actually every three days because I did have a nice supply of them.)


New member
I use the eflow now so that is one neb cup for all the meds[<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">but when I used the Pari LC plus neb cups I would do albuteral first then follow with a new neb cup for the pulmozyme. Next I would put the HS in the same neb that I used for the albuteral.

After all we are talking salt water (HS) and as long as the neb cup was empty from the albuteral I could see no logical reason not to use it for the HS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Just wanted to add that I did sterilize all Pari LC neb cups after each treatment (well, actually every three days because I did have a nice supply of them.)


New member
I use the eflow now so that is one neb cup for all the meds[<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">but when I used the Pari LC plus neb cups I would do albuteral first then follow with a new neb cup for the pulmozyme. Next I would put the HS in the same neb that I used for the albuteral.

After all we are talking salt water (HS) and as long as the neb cup was empty from the albuteral I could see no logical reason not to use it for the HS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Just wanted to add that I did sterilize all Pari LC neb cups after each treatment (well, actually every three days because I did have a nice supply of them.)


New member
I use the eflow now so that is one neb cup for all the meds[<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">but when I used the Pari LC plus neb cups I would do albuteral first then follow with a new neb cup for the pulmozyme. Next I would put the HS in the same neb that I used for the albuteral.

After all we are talking salt water (HS) and as long as the neb cup was empty from the albuteral I could see no logical reason not to use it for the HS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Just wanted to add that I did sterilize all Pari LC neb cups after each treatment (well, actually every three days because I did have a nice supply of them.)


New member
I use the eflow now so that is one neb cup for all the meds[<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">but when I used the Pari LC plus neb cups I would do albuteral first then follow with a new neb cup for the pulmozyme. Next I would put the HS in the same neb that I used for the albuteral.

After all we are talking salt water (HS) and as long as the neb cup was empty from the albuteral I could see no logical reason not to use it for the HS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Just wanted to add that I did sterilize all Pari LC neb cups after each treatment (well, actually every three days because I did have a nice supply of them.)


New member
I use the eflow now so that is one neb cup for all the meds[<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">but when I used the Pari LC plus neb cups I would do albuteral first then follow with a new neb cup for the pulmozyme. Next I would put the HS in the same neb that I used for the albuteral.

After all we are talking salt water (HS) and as long as the neb cup was empty from the albuteral I could see no logical reason not to use it for the HS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Just wanted to add that I did sterilize all Pari LC neb cups after each treatment (well, actually every three days because I did have a nice supply of them.)


New member
I sterilize mine after each treatment too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I do wait a few minutes inbetween Xopenex and HTS, no worries there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . But since it is just saline, and they go together in my lungs one after the other now, I got to thinking...

I tried it tonight, and just shook out what few drops were left. Thanks! I'll see how it goes! (Oh, I used to do the pulmozyme inbetween- I'm experimenting....)


New member
I sterilize mine after each treatment too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I do wait a few minutes inbetween Xopenex and HTS, no worries there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . But since it is just saline, and they go together in my lungs one after the other now, I got to thinking...

I tried it tonight, and just shook out what few drops were left. Thanks! I'll see how it goes! (Oh, I used to do the pulmozyme inbetween- I'm experimenting....)