Xoponex Vs. Albuterol..Doc lied and said insurance doesnt cover xoponex?


New member
Im doing advair right after all of these nebs and im getting a double whammy of bronchodialators from the albuterol and advair..i want to try xoponex because i hear it less tachycardia? I feel this would be better for me since i have a jumpy heart and i love advair i went for pfts today and everything has went up!! Please let me know your experiences :)


Super Moderator
Our son has been on Xopenex from about week 3. Both is normal Ped. and a relative had said we should push for it if he was "jittery" for albuterol--he was and it was no problem to change. Never noticed a problem after.


New member
Xopenes is GREAT. I had terrible tachy from albuterol (both the neb and the inhaler) and it went away the moment I started Xopenex. When I was only sporadically doing the nebulizer, it made me a bit shaky, but I've started doing it twice a day and seem to have gotten used to it. I'd definitely choose Xopenex.