YAY! Good Day!


New member
Well today has been wonderful so far.

As some of you may know I have been in the hospital and on home IVs the past 2 weeks. I had been nursing an infection for about 1-2 months and just couldn't get over it on my own, so I was admitted. I had lost about 6-7 pounds, my PFTs were down to about 30% expected, my blood sugars were out of control and I just felt crummy.

Well I went to the doc today for a followup. I had a chest xray - which was improved with less noticable congestion. Then I followed that with a breathing test - which I dread because I am always afraid that they are going to be horrible. Then saw the results of the breathing test and they were up from 30% to 40% YAY! not the greatest, but good for me right now. Then got weighed for the appointment and I have gained all the weight I lost back in about 1.5 weeks and I am still on another 10 days of prednisone so it is likely that I will gain even more and I haven't been over 110 in about a year or more - so I am excited about that. Then talked to the doc and he took me off the IV meds and pulled the PICC. He added another 2 weeks of dicloxicillin (however you spell it) and wants me to finish the prednisone, but other than that he said I look great, sound great, tests look good and greatly improved and I should be good to go. It was great. I feel great and it was wonderful to hear that I was actually doing much better. Instead of getting the ?you feel fine??? you shouldn't you are really sick thing I have gotten the last few weeks and months.
Not to mention the fact that my blood sugars have been really good the last few days with a few random highs because of the prednisone, but overall average at around 90-110.

To top it off Kurt took me to see Over The Hedge this afternoon as a congrats you are off the IV meds thing and it was too cute (to me anyway - I got the typical "it wasn't bad" guy response from him).

Well I will stop now I am/was just excited and wanted to share YAY!!

Have a good one,


Congrats! It's always uplifting to get good results & be on the upswing. Glad you're feeling better!


New member
Congratualtions!!!! that is such good news! i love it when I say I feel good and they don't argue with me!!!!!!!! And I so want to see that movie, i just might take myslef to see it. Hmmm, might throw in Xmen 3 and make it a double feature, some movies are like junk food and I love them! Anyhoo, I am very happy for you and will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed you break through tthe 110 barrier, that would be very cool.


New member

That's good news, I'm glad to hear things are getting better for you, you've been through a lot.

Take care,

LB (littlemisssilly...... to lazy to log in!)


New member
Thanks all for the well wishes. I had to share yesterday I was in such a good mood after that appt.

Not to mention the fact that I finally got to bathe without a bag on my arm lol and without holding my arm up and washing with only one hand lol. Sorry if that was an overshare.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Thanks all for the well wishes. I had to share yesterday I was in such a good mood after that appt.

Not to mention the fact that I finally got to bathe without a bag on my arm lol and without holding my arm up and washing with only one hand lol. Sorry if that was an overshare.

Lindsey</end quote></div>

Isnt the two handed shower/bath the best thing invented LOL! SCRUB, SCRUB


New member
AWESOME!!! It is soooo hard to be on IV's for soooo long and trying to get better is even tougher!!! So glad your are on your way!!! Stay strong and stay positive!!!!

Jennifer 34 Years old with CF and CFRD


New member
It's always good to hear that a CFER is on the mend ... and I hope
you continue to improve you weight situation and that your lung
function continues upWards, and your blood sugars stay at a normal

Congrats to you and good over all health !!!!!!!!!!!


New member
really glad you are on the mend , take care, janet uk<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">