yearly check up


New member
Hello everyone.. I just have a few questions.. My daughter is going tomorrow to get blood work and a chesk x-ray for her cf appointment on Wed. She just turned one today and I am a little worried that they are going to hurt her taking all the blood from her... When she was in the hospital when she was born her veins keep blowing... That just worries me... Can anyone give me advice on how long it takes to get all the blood test done... How many vials they take?


Mom to Madison w/cf


Staff member
Ask if they can use EMLA -- I think that's what it's called. It's a numbing agent that they put on the arm at least half an hour before they draw blood. Last time we had a clinic appointment the nurse "forgot" and DS was a trooper.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Of course us parents and another tech each were assigned a limb to hold him down -- but he just let out one little wimper and was fine. Think the tech was extra specially careful because I told her he just bit two kids at daycare. They took two vials of blood -- liver function, vitamin levels and a bunch of other tests. Poor little guy.

Liza mom to a 2 3/4 year old.


New member
Hailey had her 1yr appt in Jan. We were there forever. Be sure to bring plenty of snacks and stuff to do. The blood took the shortest amount of time. They did it last that way Hailey wasn't grumy the entire appt. They put the Emla on while they were doing everything else so we was pretty numb. She was just super pissed that we had to hold her down to draw blood. They took 7 or 8 vials. We were in the lab for maybe a total of 10 min. The actual blood draw lasted maybe 1 min once they got the vein. They only poked her twice.


New member
If your worried about the veins, make sure that they use the cream on at least three different places, both arms and back of hand, that way, if they have a problem, they have another site ready.