yellow stools *UPDATED AT TOP*


New member
yellow stools

Today Jaden has had really light yellow, sloppy and kinda stringy stools. Can it be from all the new stuff I'm giving her?I have a call in but it is after hours now and they'll return it tomorrow. Just wondering. I've made me some milk up with the powdered milk in and and did use some half and half on her, plus she did eat more then usual, goldfish crackers but whatever she'll eat I'll give her.


Jaden is doing much much better today. Thank you all for the help. It was me overloading the poor girl. UGH I hope I get the hang of this. She was good today, and poops were fine, YAY. Thank you all again.

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New member
RE:yellow stools

Could just be from all the stuff she's eating/drinking. When DS was on toddler formula with cream in it, he'd get softer stringier stools that'd smell like feta cheese. If you're giving her more calories, more fat, you may want to check with the clinic and see about upping her enzymes by half a capsule or more.

Sometimes DS gets into the doritos -- we usually don't worry about giving him enzymes if he just eats a few, but sometimes he goes overboard and while we give him an enzyme once we realize he's going to be a chow hound, sometimes it isn't quite enough and his stools are a little greasier. We've noticed a difference, too when he's been on different antibiotics.


New member
RE:yellow stools

Thats what I am thinking. Since I am giving her more then usual. I got kinda scared cause I never had these before. Thanks for making me feel better. I'm going to just give her the regular milk until I talk to them tomorrow. Thanks again.



New member
RE:yellow stools

Damiens stools are yellow brown hes are a bit watery but have been I hope this isnt somthing to be concerned about. He is 4 months old and takes in 27 calorie formula pregestimil. Everything seems to be diffrent for everyone so I hope this is not a major sign for concern. Damien absorbtion seems to change in degrees frequently as long as its not to much, but what is to much? I contemplate this every day.


New member
RE:yellow stools


Stringy and loose usually means mucousy and malabsorbed. You probably do want to find our if you should increase the enzyme when she eats a little more. I know this is a pain, but you might want to calculate and add the calories that she takes in and then call the nutritionist so that you can give a more exact figure. The nutritionist can then calculate the appropriate enzyme dosage.

A quick way to know if the stool is malabsorbed is to throw some of it in the tiolet and see if it floats. If it does, than she is malabsorbing. Don't let the problem go on too long because it can lead to blockage problems. It's a delicate balance but soon you'll become a pro at it!

Maria (Sami's mom)


New member
RE:yellow stools

Figuring out amount of ezymes was/is probably one of the most frustrating thing about this disease. When DS was first diagnosed all we were told was "you'd know if ds was malabsorbing". I was always asking the nurses in the NICU, does that look normal to you? Practically banging my head on the wall thinking, will somebody PLEASE tell me what to look for. Then the what if DS doesn't eat anything, what if he eats way more than I'm used to him eating.

So I figure if there's an oily coating, it smells a bit like the food he ate or it's really loose and fluffy, like greasy yellow mashed potatoes, then he needs more enzymes. The dieticians have been practically helpless. I still remember the week DS was on pregestimil. His poo was grass green, but well formed. And I was told it was normal. Wasn't like any poop I'd seen before.
