Young adults with CF


New member
I have put together a website about the male infertility factor and it's "relationship" with CF.

I am not sure how many of you have been informed of this by your doctors or parents, or if you've had the opportunity to even talk to anyone about your questions (if you have any). You can visit the website at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> and feel free to browse around and email me with questions (you don't have to put your name or any identifying information in the email) or my husband with questions. If you would prefer the email to be viewed and answered by my husband, just put MARK in the subject line and I won't even open it.

There is a SPECIFIC section for young adults with CF that might answer some questions for you. You can visit that part of the website directly from here: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

I am sure there is curousity behind my posting this information and the creation of this site. When my husband was a teen, his CF doctors told him he was infertile and would never have biological children. PERIOD. He was devistated, but had nobody and no resources to turn to. I still think that doctors aren't passing all the information to their patitents, that they aren't always properly educating them about this very sensitive subject and I would hate to see another young man live in devistation for years as my husband did. I hope to get information out to all males with CF that biological children are possible with some medical procedures. I don't want anybody to be misinformed.

Please do email if you have questions, comments, concerns and remember you don't have to include any information about yourself as I can understand it being a very private subject.

Thank you to all!