Zithromax, Liver, Skin


New member
I've posted this everywhere else looking for answers, so I figured I give here a shot. I'm a 20 y/o male with good ole CF. I was put on Zithromax in Jan. 2003. Within weeks my skin started to suck and I got acne. I was 18 then and always had good skin until that week. It took me a year and a half to figure all that out so I finally stopped taking Zithromax in June 2004. I figured my symptoms would subside but of course they didn't. My skin remained the exact same. I visit www.Acne.org board sometime looking for answers and I found a lot of people talking about poor functioning liver as a possible cause. I considered it but didn't take any actions. Today in Yahoo! I typed "zithromax+liver" and a bunch of attorney sites came up about suing if you had suffered liver damage due to Zithromax! I don't trust lawyers really but if people are suing it must be doing something harmful to a someones liver. I'm thinking Zithromax did some permanent damage or maybe blocked it all up and has kept my liver from working properly. Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.



New member
I'm not too familiar with any of that. But for me I had liver damage before I used zithromax and I take actegal for it. I have been taking zithromax for years and never had any problems with it. So I don't think I am much of a help with this! Sorry! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I LOVE Zithromax. I take it everyday. This scares me. Hopefully it's not true. I do notice I break out a little bit more than normal.


New member

as far as I know,it can cause liver problems, therefore your blood should be tested regulary while you take Zithromax.



New member
A lot of antibiotics taken on a long term basis can cause liver damage. They should be monitoring the liver functions of anyone taking it daily.


Ok, for the skin, i would take PRIMADOPHOLIS. ( from the refrigerated area only ) you can find this in any health food store. if you do not know, the primadopholis buts billions of good bacteria back in your system and it does not interfear with any drug you are on. Ive been taking primadopholis forever it seams. the reason why your skin is breaking out is because you have a lot of bad bacteria in your GI tract. your skin is tissue and the last place that the bacteria will show. take 4 - 5 a day. two morning three night. this will help tons.
Also, i reccomend you trying a liver detox. you can also go to the healthfood store and pick this up. get it in tincture form. thats those little glass bottles.
i guarentee you will feel better. you can email me if you have more questions or concerns at JGPerretti@aol.com.
Good luck!
Jessica 28 w/cf


New member
Yeah, I plan to do a liver cleanse on Sunday. The one from www.curezone.com, I also purchased http://www.academyhealth.com/clearcomx50h.html , because I've read Burdock Root is helpful to getting your liver healthy again. Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.