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Hi! My name is Lizzie. Im 14 and my cystic fibrosis health is kinda going terrible. My lung OTC is 60%. I'm scared I haven't been this low in years. there is a possibility I'm going to the hospital if the steroids my lung doctor prescribed to me doesn't work when I'm finished with the medication. I just want someone to reach out to me if they have cystic fibrosis too because to be honest I feel a little alone here.
Hi Lizzie. Have you been able to get on any of the Vertex drugs?
Alex was diagnosed at a year and a half with Cystic Fibrosis, every day since has been a constant struggle. Early on he had a pnumo thorax (collapsed lung)HE has been hospitalized several months of every year. Because of his illness he has missed out on so much in his life. Our family got involved in Cystic Fibrosis Foundation immediately after his diagnosis, we formed a walk in our town at Borderland
Please help Alex achieve his goal to become first Cystic Fibrosis PATIENT TO WIN ARM WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP IN LAS VEGAS IN DECEMBER 2022, Please help him and his family to get there
Team Alex
My son is a 27 year old suffering from Cystic Fibrosis he recently won a gold medal in arm wrestling and qualified for a Championship in Las Vegas. we would appreciate any help that we can get December 15-17th This will really change his life and living \with CYSTIC fibrosis, The sky is the limit no matter what challenges are ahead!!!!!! Please help us get to Las Vegas
Team Alex
Hello Imogene. I don't know if you've heard the sad news that Jricci passed away on February 1st. As she was a great contributor here I thought you should know. I was a friend of hers.
Patti Rowland
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend

I was very saddened and surprised to hear about the passing of Jeannie Ricci. She will be missed on this forum, and at CF Roundtable.

Like her, I was also on Kalydeco off-label for quite a while. I had been in contact with her several times about our experiences.

Please extend my condolences to her family. May her memory be for a blessing.

Ed Fleischman
Imogene even I have a hard time reading these forums! Of course I am shocked and saddened. Jeannine and I even met a few times in south Jersey. I always respected her opinion! And I am so sorry, I am just seeing this now.
I would love to reach out to her family, her daughters especially. my email is for any information you have. So Sad!
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your sister. I lost my sister to CF over 20 years ago and it is still painful. I also have CF and could use the Symdeko. I would be happy to pay you to ship it. Thank you!

I would love to get that link to the webinar about kalydeco and pregnancy. My daughter is expecting now and we would appreciate any information that's available.

Thanks so much for your time and help!

Hey Rubyrose, I posted a very similar scenario to yours in a post asking about potential carrers for young CF adults. I worked as an RN in surgery for many years then went back to grad school and landed a clinical analyst job in our Analytics Division. Curious what type of work do you do within IT?
My daughter is 13 with CF. She is very lonely and isolated due to her illness. She would like to have a friend that also has CF. Her name is Annabelle and she can be reached on FaceTime at (606) 483-6707.
Hey Millie! My name is Sophie (I’m 15) and I’m looking for someone to talk to who also has CF. Reach out if you want my contact info. Hope you’re doing well.
Hi! We are new to this website. I have a 9 year old son named Aiden. Doctors told us a few years ago that they thought he had CF. He’s had 3 normal sweat tests and genetic testing revealed S1235R and 7T. I noticed you also have these mutations. I’m told these are non disease causing but since he “clinically” has cf they treat him as such. We see a pulmonologist but don’t go to a cf clinic. He is colonized with pseudomonas, has a gtube do to not gaining weight, and for the last 3 years has gotten “tune ups” regularly. They have also told us we needed to exercise cf precautions at school. I’ve never been able to contact anyone with the same mutations as him so I’m excited to visit with you. Hope things are well!