Are sports okay?


New member
I have a friend who has been diagnosed with relatively mild CF and he is interested in sports. My question is, will he be able to play any, and if so, what is the limit and what adjustments will he have to make?


Sports are not only okay, they're encouraged. There are absolutely ZERO limits to what he should be able to do athletically.


New member
I am 40, and moderately healthy. Athletics is one of the main reasons I have maintained my health. I am a physical education teacher because of that. Get them involved at some level in something that they love so it benefits them physically and mentally. The benefits are endless.


Yeah. I think he should play and do some sports. Actually sports are exercise and here are very right saying that exercise is good for everyone. According to me sports are most important to stay healthy and for enjoy your life.



New member
They're encouraged. Its awesome you're looking out for your friend, I know he will appreciate it:) But there still are so limitations, like he may get tired a lot faster than most other people, try to push him not to your limit but to his. For me, my limit is a lot shorter than most other kids in my PE class.


It's OK to play the sports. He can start some regular sports program.
He should be encouraged if he is some bit confused to start the sports program.