Been home for a week, results from hospital stay.


New member
Here's the latest: my G.I. performed a scope to go in to get the stones & sludge from the common bile duct.
She couldn't do it.
I'm sure everybody's heard of Diverticulitis. This is when the diverticula become irritated, inflamed, etc. I'm one of the few that has diverticula in the small intestine. While the diverticula aren't inflamed, infected, etc. they ARE covering the common bile duct. They made it impossible to get to the stones & sludge. The alternative is another procedure where a wire is stuck in my left side & through the liver to the common bile duct. The next day, the G.I. will perform a scope & go down to retrieve the wire, clearing the rocks & sludge. I see this as an electoral surgery, since the stones etc. aren't bothering me right now. I've got bigger fish to fry before I have this procedure done.
There was one accomplishment anyway. An infectious disease doctor was brought in. He determined that the CMV virus I caught from my donor was acting up & that's what have been causing these recurring fevers.
He started me on a med for that & sent me home. I'm glad we did get something accomplished in the 5 days I was stuck there.
Really, there's almost nothing worse than being stuck in the hospital when you don't feel bad.
Of course, I never had a fever the whole time I was there.
Wouldn't you know it...