cheap genomic testing?


New member
My pulmonologist won't refer me for genetic mutations testing (pride--I told her I thought it was CF a long time ago, and she said I was too old). Does anyone know of a place I can self-refer for testing, that is affordable?--Victoria


New member
Have you ever been tested to see if you have CF? A sweat test is definitely the easiest and least expensive way. It is also pretty accurate if you have it done at a CF center. How old are you and what kind of symptoms do you have that makes you wonder whether or not you have CF....just curious. Good luck!Dea


New member
Have you ever been tested to see if you have CF? A sweat test is definitely the easiest and least expensive way. It is also pretty accurate if you have it done at a CF center. How old are you and what kind of symptoms do you have that makes you wonder whether or not you have CF....just curious. Good luck!Dea


New member
I did the sweat test, but it came back borderline. I thought that warranted a re-test, but the pulmonologist won't authorize a re-test, even though I have all the symptoms of CF. I'm looking for a cheap genomics test in order to cut to the chase.thanks,Victoria


New member
I did the sweat test, but it came back borderline. I thought that warranted a re-test, but the pulmonologist won't authorize a re-test, even though I have all the symptoms of CF. I'm looking for a cheap genomics test in order to cut to the chase.thanks,Victoria