Im in the hospital in a town closer to my hometown because its the winter. I usually go to the docs 600 miles away but its too risky with the harsh winters we have in North Dakota! I came in coughin up some blood, just some streaks of blood, and dark colored mucus. They put me on some random IV meds, not the ones I usually take; and I unfortunetly realized this just a bit ago. I have lost a bit of weight in here also, which is normal for me considering I'm sick, but its not normal to lose it in the hospital. Usually I lose this wieght at home and gain some back when I go in for a tune up! The problem Im having is that my big 21st Birthday is on Monday! And they told me I was able to go home Monday morning, they wanted to keep as long as they could because I couple days ago I was still coughing up some stuff. Well its Friday night now and Im coughing up some darker stuff w spots of blood again! Im really hesitant to tell them because I really dont want to miss my 21st birthday! It happens once in a lifetime, and I came in here and missed New Years Eve so I wouldn't miss my bday! Im sick and tired of being in here on holidays, being in the hospital is bad enough! Im just fed up with this! I feel like I have wasted the last week and a half because, although my PFTs are up, my O2(they are sitting around 92-94 which is a bit low for me)stats are not and im still coughing up junk! I could really use some words of encouragment or some1 with a similar case, because I feel like all my friends at home dont understand how much this sucks ass! They all just say 'oh that sucks, sorry Megan' and move on to a diffrent subject! Im really questioning wather to tell the docs of the dark junk im coughing up, but I know thats not the smart thing to do. But it does sound like the best thing! I feel likeCF takes enough away from me already! I want to keep this, this event Ive been waiting for for, god it feels like a million years! ANy help will be greatly aprecieated!