How long...


New member
It looks like Brian and I will be able to start trying in the relatively near future. SO I was just wondering how long it took for you to get preggers and if you used anything to help with conception (robitussin, mucinex, fertility monitors or drugs). Let me know! I already have the name of an OB that I've heard is very good with CF mommies, so I hope we can get things going soon!


New member
It looks like Brian and I will be able to start trying in the relatively near future. SO I was just wondering how long it took for you to get preggers and if you used anything to help with conception (robitussin, mucinex, fertility monitors or drugs). Let me know! I already have the name of an OB that I've heard is very good with CF mommies, so I hope we can get things going soon!


New member
It looks like Brian and I will be able to start trying in the relatively near future. SO I was just wondering how long it took for you to get preggers and if you used anything to help with conception (robitussin, mucinex, fertility monitors or drugs). Let me know! I already have the name of an OB that I've heard is very good with CF mommies, so I hope we can get things going soon!


New member
Your blog, February 8, 2006 : <i>"He has promised numerous times to get help for his depression, but never does. He can't even do something for himself that would make me feel better about my entire life and OUR life together. I am coming close to regretting getting married. " </i>

I am really concerned that you trying to get pregnant......


New member
Your blog, February 8, 2006 : <i>"He has promised numerous times to get help for his depression, but never does. He can't even do something for himself that would make me feel better about my entire life and OUR life together. I am coming close to regretting getting married. " </i>

I am really concerned that you trying to get pregnant......


New member
Your blog, February 8, 2006 : <i>"He has promised numerous times to get help for his depression, but never does. He can't even do something for himself that would make me feel better about my entire life and OUR life together. I am coming close to regretting getting married. " </i>

I am really concerned that you trying to get pregnant......


New member
My first I got pregnant in a one shot deal - easy as could be.

My second, seven years later, took 15 months and two IUIs and one miscarriage -much harder.

We tried everything!

I suggest first getting the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and then charting on a place like <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> - once you get to know your body it is much easier. I should have done all that from the start.


New member
My first I got pregnant in a one shot deal - easy as could be.

My second, seven years later, took 15 months and two IUIs and one miscarriage -much harder.

We tried everything!

I suggest first getting the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and then charting on a place like <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> - once you get to know your body it is much easier. I should have done all that from the start.


New member
My first I got pregnant in a one shot deal - easy as could be.

My second, seven years later, took 15 months and two IUIs and one miscarriage -much harder.

We tried everything!

I suggest first getting the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and then charting on a place like <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> - once you get to know your body it is much easier. I should have done all that from the start.


New member
For me, this is becoming a sore subject, but I'll offer my info to you.

Am trying now for almost 1.5 years.

Starting trying without anything September 2005 (no charting, ovulation kits, Robitussin, nothing - completely natural) for 9 months. NOTHING HAPPENED

I did take off from May 2006-September 2006 b/c I got very sick from my CF after 3 years with no problems. I was on Cipro (oral), which failed. Then, I was on IV's for all of July. I waited to start trying again until I gained all my weight back, PFT's fully recovered, and was basically ready all-the-way-around.

Started again in October 2006. I decided to try Robitussin only. NOTHING HAPPENED

Then from November 2000 to Present I have done the Robitussin and added charting and ovulation kits. I do ovulate every month and have a big rise in temp so I do ovulate.

Now, I'm just waiting until the end of summer. My husband and I have agreed at that time to take action. Now, I'm just trying to relax about it more. I was getting really upset each month with my period. Now, I'm just keeping busy around the house and not really thinking about it. Since I have calmed down so much, I think now would be much more likely to conceive.

I wish you the best of luck! It seems 50/50 to me on this site. 50% got pregnant within 4 months. 50% needed assistance after 1 year or more years. I'm talking about female fertility/pregnancy only. Of course, you have those that never had kids, but I'm really looking at that group. They could have various reasons for not having kids (no mate, not good health, or maybe just didn't want any). I'm strictly looking at the group of women that have kids.

I wish you the best!!! Feel free to ask any questions.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
For me, this is becoming a sore subject, but I'll offer my info to you.

Am trying now for almost 1.5 years.

Starting trying without anything September 2005 (no charting, ovulation kits, Robitussin, nothing - completely natural) for 9 months. NOTHING HAPPENED

I did take off from May 2006-September 2006 b/c I got very sick from my CF after 3 years with no problems. I was on Cipro (oral), which failed. Then, I was on IV's for all of July. I waited to start trying again until I gained all my weight back, PFT's fully recovered, and was basically ready all-the-way-around.

Started again in October 2006. I decided to try Robitussin only. NOTHING HAPPENED

Then from November 2000 to Present I have done the Robitussin and added charting and ovulation kits. I do ovulate every month and have a big rise in temp so I do ovulate.

Now, I'm just waiting until the end of summer. My husband and I have agreed at that time to take action. Now, I'm just trying to relax about it more. I was getting really upset each month with my period. Now, I'm just keeping busy around the house and not really thinking about it. Since I have calmed down so much, I think now would be much more likely to conceive.

I wish you the best of luck! It seems 50/50 to me on this site. 50% got pregnant within 4 months. 50% needed assistance after 1 year or more years. I'm talking about female fertility/pregnancy only. Of course, you have those that never had kids, but I'm really looking at that group. They could have various reasons for not having kids (no mate, not good health, or maybe just didn't want any). I'm strictly looking at the group of women that have kids.

I wish you the best!!! Feel free to ask any questions.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
For me, this is becoming a sore subject, but I'll offer my info to you.

Am trying now for almost 1.5 years.

Starting trying without anything September 2005 (no charting, ovulation kits, Robitussin, nothing - completely natural) for 9 months. NOTHING HAPPENED

I did take off from May 2006-September 2006 b/c I got very sick from my CF after 3 years with no problems. I was on Cipro (oral), which failed. Then, I was on IV's for all of July. I waited to start trying again until I gained all my weight back, PFT's fully recovered, and was basically ready all-the-way-around.

Started again in October 2006. I decided to try Robitussin only. NOTHING HAPPENED

Then from November 2000 to Present I have done the Robitussin and added charting and ovulation kits. I do ovulate every month and have a big rise in temp so I do ovulate.

Now, I'm just waiting until the end of summer. My husband and I have agreed at that time to take action. Now, I'm just trying to relax about it more. I was getting really upset each month with my period. Now, I'm just keeping busy around the house and not really thinking about it. Since I have calmed down so much, I think now would be much more likely to conceive.

I wish you the best of luck! It seems 50/50 to me on this site. 50% got pregnant within 4 months. 50% needed assistance after 1 year or more years. I'm talking about female fertility/pregnancy only. Of course, you have those that never had kids, but I'm really looking at that group. They could have various reasons for not having kids (no mate, not good health, or maybe just didn't want any). I'm strictly looking at the group of women that have kids.

I wish you the best!!! Feel free to ask any questions.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I've heard the average for women to conceive - non cf - is 6-12 months.

I got off the pill for 6 months before trying. In fact, I used natural family planning to actively try not to get pregnant during this time. During that 6 mo.'s I watched my body like a science project - cervical mucus analyzation, basal temp tracking, to predict ovulation and finally using ovulation test to verify that when I thought I was ovulating I really was. It really was sort of an out of body experience for me. I detached myself emotionally from my findings and wrote everything down.

I only used an ovulation test that 6th month because I wanted to figure it out for myself before I let a test tell me. Also, I knew with my personality I would get down about it if I kept seeing a negative sign. With a postive for ovulation and 6 months off the pill we were ready to reverse the nfp method and try to get pregnant. I had emotionally preped myself that it would likely take 6 months. This was all the time my OB and CF doc were willing to give me to get pregnant naturally. Of course, it was their suggestion anyway for someone in my health situation 28 years old with an FEV1 of 67%. My husband and I agreed that we would seek intervention at 6 months. We were leaning towards adoption but in retrospect probably would have done IUI with NO use of clomid. Another shocker I was told by HUP (ranked one of the best hospitals in the world) was that if I carried multiples they would suggest a reduction to a singleton pregnancy. Okay I'm getting off track here. During the 6 months of being off the pill, I exhibited classic 'coming off the pill' results...including having a basal temp that spiked and then dropped off almost immediately. This is a sign that my progesterone level was not staying at levels to support a pregnancy. Well that peak stayed elevated longer and longer each month and by month 6 things seemed similarly good to month 5 so in month 7 we tried to conceive. Much to my chagrin and imagination I got pregnant that month.

I was glad I'd done so much planning with my cf health and planning with my husband for our future life because when it happened this quick I can honestly say we were ready and not caught off guard. My one piece of advice is make sure you've got all your 'issues' whether they be in terms of you taking care of your cf or relationship or your own personal life/ attitude issues worked out before getting pregnant. Being pregnant can take a lot out of you. I've been able to focus on it adequately since my other life engagements are all spinning nicely. So far so good but I know when the baby arrives things are going to be rocked a bit. Good luck.


New member
I've heard the average for women to conceive - non cf - is 6-12 months.

I got off the pill for 6 months before trying. In fact, I used natural family planning to actively try not to get pregnant during this time. During that 6 mo.'s I watched my body like a science project - cervical mucus analyzation, basal temp tracking, to predict ovulation and finally using ovulation test to verify that when I thought I was ovulating I really was. It really was sort of an out of body experience for me. I detached myself emotionally from my findings and wrote everything down.

I only used an ovulation test that 6th month because I wanted to figure it out for myself before I let a test tell me. Also, I knew with my personality I would get down about it if I kept seeing a negative sign. With a postive for ovulation and 6 months off the pill we were ready to reverse the nfp method and try to get pregnant. I had emotionally preped myself that it would likely take 6 months. This was all the time my OB and CF doc were willing to give me to get pregnant naturally. Of course, it was their suggestion anyway for someone in my health situation 28 years old with an FEV1 of 67%. My husband and I agreed that we would seek intervention at 6 months. We were leaning towards adoption but in retrospect probably would have done IUI with NO use of clomid. Another shocker I was told by HUP (ranked one of the best hospitals in the world) was that if I carried multiples they would suggest a reduction to a singleton pregnancy. Okay I'm getting off track here. During the 6 months of being off the pill, I exhibited classic 'coming off the pill' results...including having a basal temp that spiked and then dropped off almost immediately. This is a sign that my progesterone level was not staying at levels to support a pregnancy. Well that peak stayed elevated longer and longer each month and by month 6 things seemed similarly good to month 5 so in month 7 we tried to conceive. Much to my chagrin and imagination I got pregnant that month.

I was glad I'd done so much planning with my cf health and planning with my husband for our future life because when it happened this quick I can honestly say we were ready and not caught off guard. My one piece of advice is make sure you've got all your 'issues' whether they be in terms of you taking care of your cf or relationship or your own personal life/ attitude issues worked out before getting pregnant. Being pregnant can take a lot out of you. I've been able to focus on it adequately since my other life engagements are all spinning nicely. So far so good but I know when the baby arrives things are going to be rocked a bit. Good luck.


New member
I've heard the average for women to conceive - non cf - is 6-12 months.

I got off the pill for 6 months before trying. In fact, I used natural family planning to actively try not to get pregnant during this time. During that 6 mo.'s I watched my body like a science project - cervical mucus analyzation, basal temp tracking, to predict ovulation and finally using ovulation test to verify that when I thought I was ovulating I really was. It really was sort of an out of body experience for me. I detached myself emotionally from my findings and wrote everything down.

I only used an ovulation test that 6th month because I wanted to figure it out for myself before I let a test tell me. Also, I knew with my personality I would get down about it if I kept seeing a negative sign. With a postive for ovulation and 6 months off the pill we were ready to reverse the nfp method and try to get pregnant. I had emotionally preped myself that it would likely take 6 months. This was all the time my OB and CF doc were willing to give me to get pregnant naturally. Of course, it was their suggestion anyway for someone in my health situation 28 years old with an FEV1 of 67%. My husband and I agreed that we would seek intervention at 6 months. We were leaning towards adoption but in retrospect probably would have done IUI with NO use of clomid. Another shocker I was told by HUP (ranked one of the best hospitals in the world) was that if I carried multiples they would suggest a reduction to a singleton pregnancy. Okay I'm getting off track here. During the 6 months of being off the pill, I exhibited classic 'coming off the pill' results...including having a basal temp that spiked and then dropped off almost immediately. This is a sign that my progesterone level was not staying at levels to support a pregnancy. Well that peak stayed elevated longer and longer each month and by month 6 things seemed similarly good to month 5 so in month 7 we tried to conceive. Much to my chagrin and imagination I got pregnant that month.

I was glad I'd done so much planning with my cf health and planning with my husband for our future life because when it happened this quick I can honestly say we were ready and not caught off guard. My one piece of advice is make sure you've got all your 'issues' whether they be in terms of you taking care of your cf or relationship or your own personal life/ attitude issues worked out before getting pregnant. Being pregnant can take a lot out of you. I've been able to focus on it adequately since my other life engagements are all spinning nicely. So far so good but I know when the baby arrives things are going to be rocked a bit. Good luck.


New member
Lauren - something I want to ask you


I was on the pill for nearly 10 years. I stopped in June 19, 2005, my wedding anniversary - that's how I remember. I had a recurrent left ovarian cyst. I was put on the pill at 13-years-old. I have now been off the pill almost 2 years. How long can the pill affect you after 10 years. Any idea????????

I have had a high basal temp from the time of ovulation to the day of my next period so that's good. Maybe the pill has something to do with it?????


New member
Lauren - something I want to ask you


I was on the pill for nearly 10 years. I stopped in June 19, 2005, my wedding anniversary - that's how I remember. I had a recurrent left ovarian cyst. I was put on the pill at 13-years-old. I have now been off the pill almost 2 years. How long can the pill affect you after 10 years. Any idea????????

I have had a high basal temp from the time of ovulation to the day of my next period so that's good. Maybe the pill has something to do with it?????


New member
Lauren - something I want to ask you


I was on the pill for nearly 10 years. I stopped in June 19, 2005, my wedding anniversary - that's how I remember. I had a recurrent left ovarian cyst. I was put on the pill at 13-years-old. I have now been off the pill almost 2 years. How long can the pill affect you after 10 years. Any idea????????

I have had a high basal temp from the time of ovulation to the day of my next period so that's good. Maybe the pill has something to do with it?????


New member
I was on the pill since age 12 and 1/2 years. I don't know off hand how long the pill can effect your fertility. I've heard most women are 'regular' after 6 months off. That's why I picked that amount of time before trying to conceive.

A great book that has the answer (sorry not at home or I'd look it up) is "Your Fertility Signals: Using Them to Achieve or Avoid Pregnancy Naturally" by Merryl Winstein. I feel like she might have said that b.c. can plague some women's fertility for two years. Best to get the book. This was the main reason I conceived as fast as I did. It allowed me to understand my body and all the results I was seeing.

Are you saying maybe the pill has something to do with not being able to conceive or the fact that you have great peaks and troughs with your basal temps? I would say possibly to the difficulty to conceive but that b.c. would not have contributed to your nice ovulation fact it would be likely to do the opposite.

Jenn, I have a feeling it isn't you. Although that being said ovarian cysts can effect fertility I believe. Are you having the propensity for cysts monitored? Have they ever done that dye test that sees if your fallopian tubes are blocked? Where are the cysts when you've had them in the past. Getting a guy's spermcount tested is so easy. If we were you two we would do that to rule it out...but to each their own and I respect your decision to investigate or not.


New member
I was on the pill since age 12 and 1/2 years. I don't know off hand how long the pill can effect your fertility. I've heard most women are 'regular' after 6 months off. That's why I picked that amount of time before trying to conceive.

A great book that has the answer (sorry not at home or I'd look it up) is "Your Fertility Signals: Using Them to Achieve or Avoid Pregnancy Naturally" by Merryl Winstein. I feel like she might have said that b.c. can plague some women's fertility for two years. Best to get the book. This was the main reason I conceived as fast as I did. It allowed me to understand my body and all the results I was seeing.

Are you saying maybe the pill has something to do with not being able to conceive or the fact that you have great peaks and troughs with your basal temps? I would say possibly to the difficulty to conceive but that b.c. would not have contributed to your nice ovulation fact it would be likely to do the opposite.

Jenn, I have a feeling it isn't you. Although that being said ovarian cysts can effect fertility I believe. Are you having the propensity for cysts monitored? Have they ever done that dye test that sees if your fallopian tubes are blocked? Where are the cysts when you've had them in the past. Getting a guy's spermcount tested is so easy. If we were you two we would do that to rule it out...but to each their own and I respect your decision to investigate or not.