how often do you miss treatments?


New member

It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF


New member

It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF


New member

It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF


New member

It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF


New member

It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF


New member

It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cdale613</b></i>


It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF</end quote></div>yeah i respect you for being so religous about doing ya treatments but life is about having fun and relaxing a little ie we are not robots my point is i think you need to have a balance in this life all treatments everyday of the year and 100% compliance affects ya quality of life ie to be hypothetical and i have discussed this with someone with cf i know and he agrees with me wouldent you prefer to live till about 45(missing the occasional treatment and actually enjoying life) as opposed to 55 its like anything on a wider issue docters tell you eat right but people still do junk food ,dont drink to excess poeple still do ,
see what iam implying my personal view on cf is to be 100% compliant you loose some enjoyment for life as your always thinking in the back of your mind you have treatments to do(for me that was the case anyway)

my take on life is even with cf you have to live a little get drunk everynow and then smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year) and relax on treatments sometimes ive find i get a lot more out of life now but that is what works for me

the most important thing for me i found was when i was being 100% complaint it affected my character i was stressed always worrying about when i should take my next medicines or do my next treatment now i feel a lot better i have changed my treatment (relax a bit at the weekend) and i think that is the most important how you feel within yourself over the physical health of your body your mental side is more important than your physical side


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cdale613</b></i>


It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF</end quote></div>yeah i respect you for being so religous about doing ya treatments but life is about having fun and relaxing a little ie we are not robots my point is i think you need to have a balance in this life all treatments everyday of the year and 100% compliance affects ya quality of life ie to be hypothetical and i have discussed this with someone with cf i know and he agrees with me wouldent you prefer to live till about 45(missing the occasional treatment and actually enjoying life) as opposed to 55 its like anything on a wider issue docters tell you eat right but people still do junk food ,dont drink to excess poeple still do ,
see what iam implying my personal view on cf is to be 100% compliant you loose some enjoyment for life as your always thinking in the back of your mind you have treatments to do(for me that was the case anyway)

my take on life is even with cf you have to live a little get drunk everynow and then smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year) and relax on treatments sometimes ive find i get a lot more out of life now but that is what works for me

the most important thing for me i found was when i was being 100% complaint it affected my character i was stressed always worrying about when i should take my next medicines or do my next treatment now i feel a lot better i have changed my treatment (relax a bit at the weekend) and i think that is the most important how you feel within yourself over the physical health of your body your mental side is more important than your physical side


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cdale613</b></i>


It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF</end quote></div>yeah i respect you for being so religous about doing ya treatments but life is about having fun and relaxing a little ie we are not robots my point is i think you need to have a balance in this life all treatments everyday of the year and 100% compliance affects ya quality of life ie to be hypothetical and i have discussed this with someone with cf i know and he agrees with me wouldent you prefer to live till about 45(missing the occasional treatment and actually enjoying life) as opposed to 55 its like anything on a wider issue docters tell you eat right but people still do junk food ,dont drink to excess poeple still do ,
see what iam implying my personal view on cf is to be 100% compliant you loose some enjoyment for life as your always thinking in the back of your mind you have treatments to do(for me that was the case anyway)

my take on life is even with cf you have to live a little get drunk everynow and then smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year) and relax on treatments sometimes ive find i get a lot more out of life now but that is what works for me

the most important thing for me i found was when i was being 100% complaint it affected my character i was stressed always worrying about when i should take my next medicines or do my next treatment now i feel a lot better i have changed my treatment (relax a bit at the weekend) and i think that is the most important how you feel within yourself over the physical health of your body your mental side is more important than your physical side


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cdale613</b></i>


It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF</end quote></div>yeah i respect you for being so religous about doing ya treatments but life is about having fun and relaxing a little ie we are not robots my point is i think you need to have a balance in this life all treatments everyday of the year and 100% compliance affects ya quality of life ie to be hypothetical and i have discussed this with someone with cf i know and he agrees with me wouldent you prefer to live till about 45(missing the occasional treatment and actually enjoying life) as opposed to 55 its like anything on a wider issue docters tell you eat right but people still do junk food ,dont drink to excess poeple still do ,
see what iam implying my personal view on cf is to be 100% compliant you loose some enjoyment for life as your always thinking in the back of your mind you have treatments to do(for me that was the case anyway)

my take on life is even with cf you have to live a little get drunk everynow and then smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year) and relax on treatments sometimes ive find i get a lot more out of life now but that is what works for me

the most important thing for me i found was when i was being 100% complaint it affected my character i was stressed always worrying about when i should take my next medicines or do my next treatment now i feel a lot better i have changed my treatment (relax a bit at the weekend) and i think that is the most important how you feel within yourself over the physical health of your body your mental side is more important than your physical side


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cdale613</b></i>


It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF</end quote>yeah i respect you for being so religous about doing ya treatments but life is about having fun and relaxing a little ie we are not robots my point is i think you need to have a balance in this life all treatments everyday of the year and 100% compliance affects ya quality of life ie to be hypothetical and i have discussed this with someone with cf i know and he agrees with me wouldent you prefer to live till about 45(missing the occasional treatment and actually enjoying life) as opposed to 55 its like anything on a wider issue docters tell you eat right but people still do junk food ,dont drink to excess poeple still do ,
see what iam implying my personal view on cf is to be 100% compliant you loose some enjoyment for life as your always thinking in the back of your mind you have treatments to do(for me that was the case anyway)

my take on life is even with cf you have to live a little get drunk everynow and then smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year) and relax on treatments sometimes ive find i get a lot more out of life now but that is what works for me

the most important thing for me i found was when i was being 100% complaint it affected my character i was stressed always worrying about when i should take my next medicines or do my next treatment now i feel a lot better i have changed my treatment (relax a bit at the weekend) and i think that is the most important how you feel within yourself over the physical health of your body your mental side is more important than your physical side


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cdale613</b></i>


It can be done. Establish a routine and stick to it. Prioritize your health care needs above all the other stuff, and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the importance of your health needs.


27 m w/CF</end quote>yeah i respect you for being so religous about doing ya treatments but life is about having fun and relaxing a little ie we are not robots my point is i think you need to have a balance in this life all treatments everyday of the year and 100% compliance affects ya quality of life ie to be hypothetical and i have discussed this with someone with cf i know and he agrees with me wouldent you prefer to live till about 45(missing the occasional treatment and actually enjoying life) as opposed to 55 its like anything on a wider issue docters tell you eat right but people still do junk food ,dont drink to excess poeple still do ,
see what iam implying my personal view on cf is to be 100% compliant you loose some enjoyment for life as your always thinking in the back of your mind you have treatments to do(for me that was the case anyway)

my take on life is even with cf you have to live a little get drunk everynow and then smoke the occasional joint (around 2 a year) and relax on treatments sometimes ive find i get a lot more out of life now but that is what works for me

the most important thing for me i found was when i was being 100% complaint it affected my character i was stressed always worrying about when i should take my next medicines or do my next treatment now i feel a lot better i have changed my treatment (relax a bit at the weekend) and i think that is the most important how you feel within yourself over the physical health of your body your mental side is more important than your physical side


It's funny...we do get to be a little like robots. When I'm in the hospital and away from my CPT and medicine routine, I get all turned around. Usually I do things on automatic pilot.

I guess you have to do what works for you. For me, I am still able to be 100% compliant and have fun. It just means I have to be organized about things and shift things around, so I have room for both in my life.


It's funny...we do get to be a little like robots. When I'm in the hospital and away from my CPT and medicine routine, I get all turned around. Usually I do things on automatic pilot.

I guess you have to do what works for you. For me, I am still able to be 100% compliant and have fun. It just means I have to be organized about things and shift things around, so I have room for both in my life.


It's funny...we do get to be a little like robots. When I'm in the hospital and away from my CPT and medicine routine, I get all turned around. Usually I do things on automatic pilot.

I guess you have to do what works for you. For me, I am still able to be 100% compliant and have fun. It just means I have to be organized about things and shift things around, so I have room for both in my life.


It's funny...we do get to be a little like robots. When I'm in the hospital and away from my CPT and medicine routine, I get all turned around. Usually I do things on automatic pilot.

I guess you have to do what works for you. For me, I am still able to be 100% compliant and have fun. It just means I have to be organized about things and shift things around, so I have room for both in my life.


It's funny...we do get to be a little like robots. When I'm in the hospital and away from my CPT and medicine routine, I get all turned around. Usually I do things on automatic pilot.

I guess you have to do what works for you. For me, I am still able to be 100% compliant and have fun. It just means I have to be organized about things and shift things around, so I have room for both in my life.


It's funny...we do get to be a little like robots. When I'm in the hospital and away from my CPT and medicine routine, I get all turned around. Usually I do things on automatic pilot.

I guess you have to do what works for you. For me, I am still able to be 100% compliant and have fun. It just means I have to be organized about things and shift things around, so I have room for both in my life.


New member
I'm sorry, but you and I strongly disagree on some fundamental ideas of happiness, health, and how to live life with CF.

What are your goals? What are your responsibilities? What are your dreams?

I'm engaged to be married in 3 months. I could not ask my fiance to marry me and risk the heartache of losing me to CF if I wasn't willing to give 110% in keeping myself healthy. I'm 27. My FEV1 baseline is still 90 percent. That makes it possible to look optimistically to the future and consider children (we don't care what the board thinks btw). Ask my fiance the difference between 45 and 55. Its worth it, and to suggest that its ok compromise any of that for 2 joints a year or getting drunk every so often is just sad.

I like to exercise. I am scared of not being able to do the things I love to do - biking, hiking, running, etc. Compliance with my meds is nothing compared to what I'd be giving up if I couldn't do these activities.

I work full time, I have a Masters degree. I'm not done achieving, and I'm not willing to sit around watching my life pass me by just because I have CF. I took the LSAT yesterday. I am competing in a half-ironman triathlon in three weeks. I'm biking 150 miles for the CFF in 5 weeks. I'm going on my honeymoon to Croatia in 14 weeks. I'm living a full life, and compliance with my meds makes that possible.

The guilt and shame I would feel if I was unable to provide for my wife and family; lost the ability to do the activities I love doing; lost the drive and ability to achieve... while knowing that I hadn't been fully compliant would be more than I could handle. Now, CF is chronic... I understand that. I can live with myself if I know I've done everything I can do to stave it off as long as possible.

100 percent compliance with my health care makes everything else I do possible. The 3-4 hours I spend taking care of myself each day is a small price to pay for the other 20.

And seriously.... you do realize you can do other things while you inhale meds through a neb... right? Be it LSAT prep tests, reading, watching TV, being online... a lot of it is time you would spend sitting anyway.

Don't try to justify your lack of compliance. Set goals that necessitate full compliance, and achieve them. That is how you live a full live with CF.

Sorry, but there no shortcuts. You get one chance at life. No do-overs. Don't make foolish decisions that appear to gratify you in the short-term that sacrifice your long-term health and happiness. Its really not worth it.


27 m w/CF


New member
I'm sorry, but you and I strongly disagree on some fundamental ideas of happiness, health, and how to live life with CF.

What are your goals? What are your responsibilities? What are your dreams?

I'm engaged to be married in 3 months. I could not ask my fiance to marry me and risk the heartache of losing me to CF if I wasn't willing to give 110% in keeping myself healthy. I'm 27. My FEV1 baseline is still 90 percent. That makes it possible to look optimistically to the future and consider children (we don't care what the board thinks btw). Ask my fiance the difference between 45 and 55. Its worth it, and to suggest that its ok compromise any of that for 2 joints a year or getting drunk every so often is just sad.

I like to exercise. I am scared of not being able to do the things I love to do - biking, hiking, running, etc. Compliance with my meds is nothing compared to what I'd be giving up if I couldn't do these activities.

I work full time, I have a Masters degree. I'm not done achieving, and I'm not willing to sit around watching my life pass me by just because I have CF. I took the LSAT yesterday. I am competing in a half-ironman triathlon in three weeks. I'm biking 150 miles for the CFF in 5 weeks. I'm going on my honeymoon to Croatia in 14 weeks. I'm living a full life, and compliance with my meds makes that possible.

The guilt and shame I would feel if I was unable to provide for my wife and family; lost the ability to do the activities I love doing; lost the drive and ability to achieve... while knowing that I hadn't been fully compliant would be more than I could handle. Now, CF is chronic... I understand that. I can live with myself if I know I've done everything I can do to stave it off as long as possible.

100 percent compliance with my health care makes everything else I do possible. The 3-4 hours I spend taking care of myself each day is a small price to pay for the other 20.

And seriously.... you do realize you can do other things while you inhale meds through a neb... right? Be it LSAT prep tests, reading, watching TV, being online... a lot of it is time you would spend sitting anyway.

Don't try to justify your lack of compliance. Set goals that necessitate full compliance, and achieve them. That is how you live a full live with CF.

Sorry, but there no shortcuts. You get one chance at life. No do-overs. Don't make foolish decisions that appear to gratify you in the short-term that sacrifice your long-term health and happiness. Its really not worth it.


27 m w/CF