Kepp coughing up blood perodically


New member
I have been coughing up some blood in my mucus for about 2 weeks now. It was the worst when I got off the ceftaz, because I had a lot of inflammation while on it and after. I'm still mixing my hyper-sal with regular saline to dilute it some. Without it i wouldn't get anything up. Could it be the pulmozyme causing it too . I use it 2 x a day . The most blood is in the mornings before and after my treatment. Right after I got off ceftaz my dr said to lay off the hyper-sal for a day. It's not pure blood its mixed with the green like streaks. It usually tapers off after 4 to 5 streaky ones. Should I worry ? I have never had a hemotysis ( spelling). Keep in mind also that I have been down since right after christmas. I am a very active person, housework ,yard stuff, shopping, bookkeeping (for the business). During this time I layed on the couch for about 2 months altogether. My lungs are weak. The weakest I have ever been. I am walking on the treadmill and outside also outside raking leaves and cleaning up limbs. I don't have near the inflammation I had because of the 5 day steroid . Anyone else had this situation . I would call my dr but her answer is always stop the hyper-sal . I also just had a thought maybe some of the blood is coming from my nose . It has been bloody for a while.

Regina age 48 DDf508, CFRD, Hypothroidism, B Cepacia complex , Cenocepacia, Mrsa fev 1 at 40


New member
Since you are not coughing up 'pure' blood, then it may be inflammation or irritation, maybe from the hypertonic saline, like your doc said. I used to cough up pure blood, but I don't want to scare you with my story. My doc used to tell me to stop CPT and pulmozyme for 24 hours after I stopped coughing up blood. As long as you are in good communication with your doc, then a little bit of blood in your mucus is not too serious. If you start to cough up straight blood, then that can become a problem.