One more pulmozyme question


New member
I forgot to ask in my other post. How long does a neb treatment take with pulmozyme? Our doc said 15mins but it seemed like there was nothing left after only 8-10 minutes. Your thoughts are appreciated.



New member
I forgot to ask in my other post. How long does a neb treatment take with pulmozyme? Our doc said 15mins but it seemed like there was nothing left after only 8-10 minutes. Your thoughts are appreciated.



New member
I forgot to ask in my other post. How long does a neb treatment take with pulmozyme? Our doc said 15mins but it seemed like there was nothing left after only 8-10 minutes. Your thoughts are appreciated.



New member
I forgot to ask in my other post. How long does a neb treatment take with pulmozyme? Our doc said 15mins but it seemed like there was nothing left after only 8-10 minutes. Your thoughts are appreciated.



New member
I forgot to ask in my other post. How long does a neb treatment take with pulmozyme? Our doc said 15mins but it seemed like there was nothing left after only 8-10 minutes. Your thoughts are appreciated.
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<br />Thanks,
<br />Karen


Super Moderator
8-10 minutes sounds about right. My daughter is done with hers in less than 10 minutes.

Just curious though, are you doing any kind of albuterol to open the airways before you do pulmozyme? My daughter wasn't diagnosed until she was maybe younger kids don't do this. But I thought it was pretty standard practice to do albuterol first.


Super Moderator
8-10 minutes sounds about right. My daughter is done with hers in less than 10 minutes.

Just curious though, are you doing any kind of albuterol to open the airways before you do pulmozyme? My daughter wasn't diagnosed until she was maybe younger kids don't do this. But I thought it was pretty standard practice to do albuterol first.


Super Moderator
8-10 minutes sounds about right. My daughter is done with hers in less than 10 minutes.

Just curious though, are you doing any kind of albuterol to open the airways before you do pulmozyme? My daughter wasn't diagnosed until she was maybe younger kids don't do this. But I thought it was pretty standard practice to do albuterol first.


Super Moderator
8-10 minutes sounds about right. My daughter is done with hers in less than 10 minutes.

Just curious though, are you doing any kind of albuterol to open the airways before you do pulmozyme? My daughter wasn't diagnosed until she was maybe younger kids don't do this. But I thought it was pretty standard practice to do albuterol first.


Super Moderator
8-10 minutes sounds about right. My daughter is done with hers in less than 10 minutes.
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<br />Just curious though, are you doing any kind of albuterol to open the airways before you do pulmozyme? My daughter wasn't diagnosed until she was maybe younger kids don't do this. But I thought it was pretty standard practice to do albuterol first.
<br />
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New member
Do you "tap" down the condensation or medication that builds up around the neb cup? Is the intended amount delivered without doing so?


New member
Do you "tap" down the condensation or medication that builds up around the neb cup? Is the intended amount delivered without doing so?


New member
Do you "tap" down the condensation or medication that builds up around the neb cup? Is the intended amount delivered without doing so?


New member
Do you "tap" down the condensation or medication that builds up around the neb cup? Is the intended amount delivered without doing so?


New member
Do you "tap" down the condensation or medication that builds up around the neb cup? Is the intended amount delivered without doing so?