Overwhelming fatigue


New member
Well, I just need a bit of a vent. DS is so overwhelmingly fatigued. He has only been to one day of school since last Wed. It takes a toll on him because he is such a school-lover. He is in his 10th day of cipro and seems to be getting worse in terms of the fatigue although he is finally doing some coughing and hopefully loosening some gunk up. Called clinic yesterday--nurse did not have any suggestions. Called doc today--waiting for call.

Any suggestions for fatigue? How do you manage school (he's in high school) and the fatigue? He gets a good night's sleep. My sense is it is all related to infection but since this part is new to us, not entirely sure. His throat swab cultures are not growing anything..



New member
Well, I just need a bit of a vent. DS is so overwhelmingly fatigued. He has only been to one day of school since last Wed. It takes a toll on him because he is such a school-lover. He is in his 10th day of cipro and seems to be getting worse in terms of the fatigue although he is finally doing some coughing and hopefully loosening some gunk up. Called clinic yesterday--nurse did not have any suggestions. Called doc today--waiting for call.

Any suggestions for fatigue? How do you manage school (he's in high school) and the fatigue? He gets a good night's sleep. My sense is it is all related to infection but since this part is new to us, not entirely sure. His throat swab cultures are not growing anything..



New member
Well, I just need a bit of a vent. DS is so overwhelmingly fatigued. He has only been to one day of school since last Wed. It takes a toll on him because he is such a school-lover. He is in his 10th day of cipro and seems to be getting worse in terms of the fatigue although he is finally doing some coughing and hopefully loosening some gunk up. Called clinic yesterday--nurse did not have any suggestions. Called doc today--waiting for call.
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<br />Any suggestions for fatigue? How do you manage school (he's in high school) and the fatigue? He gets a good night's sleep. My sense is it is all related to infection but since this part is new to us, not entirely sure. His throat swab cultures are not growing anything..
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<br />Frustrating...........


Super Moderator
My daughter is only 8 , but when she recently had a CF exacerbation and was on Cipro among other antibiotics she was exhausted. She loves school as well but was having trouble focusing. We did half days when she did go to school. The antibiotics made her tired I think. We had to cut out all extra activities until her cycle of antibiotics were done. Now her energy is back(for now) .

I would talk to the doc since it could be something else going on. Is his O2 sat ok? Blood sugar ok?

With my daughter, I pushed as much fluids as she could drink, healthy high protein, high fat foods. Extra VEST, extra nebs, encourage cough and deep breathing.

Does he have a tutor in place so he does not feel pressure that he is falling behind?

Even at 8 years old my daughter started to feel like she was falling behind and I had her teacher send home work for her to do at home.


Super Moderator
My daughter is only 8 , but when she recently had a CF exacerbation and was on Cipro among other antibiotics she was exhausted. She loves school as well but was having trouble focusing. We did half days when she did go to school. The antibiotics made her tired I think. We had to cut out all extra activities until her cycle of antibiotics were done. Now her energy is back(for now) .

I would talk to the doc since it could be something else going on. Is his O2 sat ok? Blood sugar ok?

With my daughter, I pushed as much fluids as she could drink, healthy high protein, high fat foods. Extra VEST, extra nebs, encourage cough and deep breathing.

Does he have a tutor in place so he does not feel pressure that he is falling behind?

Even at 8 years old my daughter started to feel like she was falling behind and I had her teacher send home work for her to do at home.


Super Moderator
My daughter is only 8 , but when she recently had a CF exacerbation and was on Cipro among other antibiotics she was exhausted. She loves school as well but was having trouble focusing. We did half days when she did go to school. The antibiotics made her tired I think. We had to cut out all extra activities until her cycle of antibiotics were done. Now her energy is back(for now) .
<br />
<br />I would talk to the doc since it could be something else going on. Is his O2 sat ok? Blood sugar ok?
<br />
<br />With my daughter, I pushed as much fluids as she could drink, healthy high protein, high fat foods. Extra VEST, extra nebs, encourage cough and deep breathing.
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<br />Does he have a tutor in place so he does not feel pressure that he is falling behind?
<br />
<br />Even at 8 years old my daughter started to feel like she was falling behind and I had her teacher send home work for her to do at home.