Pregnancy and Lung Functions


New member
I was blessed with my beautiful baby boy who just turned 2 in Jan. Latley I have had thoughts of number 2 running in my mind. I never thought that we would be able to have one child in the first place. I was blessed that my health did not take a hugh hit from pregnancy and now I wonder. I have always wanted 2 kids but with my CF I always said no there is no way. Why would I put my body through that again, I was lucky once. Why would I do something that could cause me to have less time with my son and husband and new child if we decided to have one. I know the studies that pregnancy does not drop the health of alot of women but I am scared that it will for me. I know in the end its a personal decision but I was wondering what others thought. If you have a child, how did your health do? Did you think about another and if you had another how much more wear on your body was it to have 2 instead of one. I look at my day sometimes and think I could never handle two, and think Im crazy for thinking about another. But in the back of my mind I guess the hope for another one is still there at times. I guess I was just wanting to hear from others how they weighed the choices out.


New member
Hey Alisha. I am having similar thoughts, although my daughter is only 4 months old right now, and if we were to try again, it wouldn't be for at least another 6 months. I had a great pregnancy, with my lung function actually increasing in the beginning and leveling out to pre-pregnancy at the end. I had an uncomplicated delivery and really couldn't have asked for a better experience. I wonder if I should really chance another pregnancy. When I announced I was pregnant, my mother was pretty concerned about my health and I remember specifically saying, "It's not as if I want to have several kids. I just want one baby." My mom then responded to this, "Ya, you say that now..."
I know I didn't really answer any of your questions, but just know that you aren't alone feeling the way you do. ;)

Marisa 24w/CF Mommy to baby Annalynn-Born 10/9/11


New member
I think the information people need is; if you've had a good first pregnancy, statistically, does that mean a second one will be more likely to go well too, or is each one truly a roll of dice. I dont know. I did a quick search on the into and couldnt find anything ? Anyone else have some info?


Active member
Hard questions, hard emotions to deal with. In my opinion it depends on each situation, and each one is different.
I have a 4.5 yr old and a 9 month old. My first pregnancy was easy as pie. I did get sick when my daughter was 1 yr, due to a strange allergic reaction, made worse by cf, which was probably also due to being run down and tired. At that time I intensly wanted another child but didn't think it would ever happen. The desire was so strong though, it caused me alot of pain at times.
I used to think at the time, almost like I didn't deserve to wish for another child. Like I had kind of won the lottery being able to have my first-it would be like asking to win the lottery twice in one life. But that's just not true per se. Some things in life are what you make, and me having my first baby wasn't chance-I worked my butt of for that pregnancy. Amazingly the tides turned and my health bounced back. I now have my 2nd baby. This pregnancy was much harder. I can get alot more run down, having to care for 2 little ones. But despite that, my health is stable and fine. Its just alot more work, and alot more scheduling-scheduling baby's time, big sister's time and mom's rest time+therapy time. But I'm happy being the scheduled disciplined person I've become. :)
The rewards are huge...oh my. Seeing my two little ones together interacting. Knowing they'll have each other for the good and bad through life. Its wonderful. And they are the best motivators in the world. Its the absolute greatest thing in our lives.