

New member
The Prayer Request section made me think about this and so I wondered what religion everyone practiced? Now I know that religion is a hot topic, so I'd like to limit replies to:
What religion were you raised in (if any)?
What religion do you practice now (if any)?
Do you use religion in your stuggle with CF?
Hopefully these guidlelines can keep this thread neutral and informational.

So my responses are:
I was raised Episcopalian and was rather religious up until college. At that time I began to question my religion and form new ideas. Now I don't think I have any definable religion, but I do believe in God(dess) and I do pray, but I have incorporated more Eastern philosophies into my own belief system. Since I have been relatively healthy with CF I can't say that I have turned to religion for help with CF. I do do breathing meditation which is quiet time for me with breath and prayer, and that does inadvertantly help with the CF.

wanderlost 28 w/CF


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I was raised Jewish, and am presently Jewish, and raising my baby as such. My religion helped me get through Ry's death, in the knowledge that now he was healthy and in heaven, And I enjoy going to temple and praying. But I don't begrudge other people thier choice of religion or lack thereof, so long as they don't try to press it on me.


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I was baptised Methodist, but never "practiced" it. If asked what I am, I still say Methodist, but I dont really follow any specific religion. I tend to just believe in a greater being & utilize phrases that I was exposed to like heaven, hell, God, etc. I dont believe religion has kicked in for me at any point in my life even during my most difficult times with CF up to this point. I will say, however, that I felt a need to have my marriage performed by a minister. When I married my first husband it was a civil ceremony & it felt like something was missing. I thought it "odd" since I was not raised actively religious.


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I am a Christian and believe that Jesus is the son of God, that even though he was sinless that he died for my sins and rose again and He is my savior. We depend on Him for everything. We are Southern Baptist and our church family is a constant support and source of love. Susan


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I was raised Catholic, but I don't practice it. Some people call me athiest, but that's not entirely true. I do believe that people have souls, and I do believe in spirituality. I practice a sort of meditation. That's about all I can say on that. I suppose you could say I use my spiritualism to deal with my CF. I meditate regularly to help keep my mind and body "in tune."


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Good topic!

I wasn't really raised in religion...I became Catholic after the birth of my daughter...mostly because I found a lot of strength at this particular church, but now I rarely attend services. At this point in my life (since I was just dx'd this year with CF), I would say that I definitely pray more! Still am not feeling inspired to go to church, but I believe that God doesn't really care where I pray!


36 w/CF


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I was raised Catholic and I practice Catholisicm now. I don't believe in everything the Catholic church teaches and I find it hard to go to masses every weekend. but I do pray everyday and praying has gotten me through some of the most difficult times in my life. I'm actually speaking at my church this weekend in honor of National Organ Donor Sabbath Weekend. So the fact that this is on the weekend of my one year anniversary is a big deal for me! So tonight I will speak to the church about being an organ donor. A little off topic but i think i answered all of the questions.


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I was raised as a Christian in a Methodist Church. I went to youth groups, and had the opprotunity to go to a friends youth group as well. I took phylosopy of religion on college, and found it very interesting. I don't find that I'm a religious person. I do believe in a higher power, but at the same time I feel we make our own choices in life. I feel religion and faith are a wonderful thing to have. I think it gives people strengh and courage to face things in life that hit us.

For instance... I don't necessarily think that if you pray God will just hand you what you want. I believe that you praying and having faith in something makes you strong and able to handle things and over come them.

I hope I explained that well enough.


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It means I can't prove or disprove the existance of God. I do believe in him but I don't believe I have to be part of a religion to worship him. And I also don't believe much of the bible or in creationism.


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I was not raised in a religion really.. My parents didn't really practice anything.. I ended up going to Catholic school when I was little because I was in public school but had so many problems with attendance and stuff because I was so sick that my parents put me in a private school.... but really I didn't practice anything....

I always for as long as I can remember had a sense of God though.. not a God of religion but a God that I believe created me.... I now am a Christian, I don't believe in judging other ppl though, I don't believe in preaching to others with words of condemenation or words of better then thou crap.. I try to treat others the way that I was treated..or the way I want to be treated... I try to show the love that God has been shown to me... I suck at it a great deal of the time.. but I hope that doesn't reflect bad on God cause I am not him..

Anyway..I use God in my struggle with CF and my struggle with anything in life.. I also use God in my happiness as well...

My church family, especially my pastors are single handely the most important human influences in my life. When I first started going to my church, I was a freaken mess...(gee somethings never change hahahah) . I was in a real bad place in my life..I will leave it at that, but I will just say that I was in so much need of love and acceptance...I didn't know anything about God at all, and they didn't preach to me with words they showed me the love of God by taking care of me. They both husband and wife became like parents to me.They treated me with so much love and respect which at the time was a novel idea to me... They at the time, did more for me than my parents ever had.... they BELIEVED in me and thought I was worth while.. and when I would ask them why they would do those things for me they would tell me because that was Gods heart for me...So of course I wanted to learn more about this God they were talking about.They never asked for one thing back from me for all that they have done, ...That was almost 11 years ago...We now are closer then family ..

Not to say the last 11 years have not been hard, they really have been hard, but that is for no other reason then that I live on planet earth..



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I was raised as a Catholic, and attended Catholic school for 8 years, then went to a public high school (which was complete culture shock).
I still practice, and was recently married in the same church that I went to when I was growing up, my husband is not Catholic, but not any other religion either.
When my brother died in August, (he was waiting for a lung transplant-21 w/CF) I used my faith to keep strong, and I know that he used it as well.
I don't agree with everything some Catholics believe in, but I do find comfort in God and prayer.
I dont think that being Catholic is the only way to go, whatever works for people is fine with me as long as you have a belief in something.


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Well, I was brought up as a Baptist, still am but my husband believes different stuff, so he has opened the doors for me on what other religions are like, and I do pray, i try to pray every night before i go to sleep but sometimes im too tired and i fall a sleep while im praying, I believe in healing to and I also use god as i guess a support thing for my cf, it helps me to know that.


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I was raised Catholic, well my mom was Catholic and my dad was Baptist. We mostly attended Catholic Mass. I now go to a non-dinomination church which I love. We weren't ever really religous, but I do believe in God and pray for the struggles I may have.


I was raised nazerene, stopped believing for a while and now go to a Baptist church. I believe devoulty in God and his earthly form(son) Jesus and that he died for all of our sins. I am not sold on one "religion", I am sold on in the concept and the bible.



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I am Catholic. Went to a Catholic school for about 5 years ( grade school). Like Jennifer , i pray every night and more than half the time fall asleep praying. I also try to go to church on Sundays, but dont make it every week.


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i am being raised Christain and i totally believe in God and Jesus as my lord and savior and He helps me through everything that ive been going through and forever will.
I was born and raised LDS I still practice this religion and find myself to be quite a religious person. For those of you who don't know we are Christians and yes, my religion has given me much strength during my fight with CF.



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Hi Emilee and everyone,

I am LDS also. I have a 5 yr. old son with CF and lurk on the adult board every once in a while. My religion and beliefs have GREATLY helped me cope with my son's disease.
