Time management problem in morning


New member
I'm glad to hear the teacher is understanding. Our CF daughter starts kindergarten next year and I am not looking forward to it. We already get up at 5:30 in the morning to get her and her sister to school. She is in preschool and doesn't start until 9 but we still have a hard time with it (she's very sloooow at everything.) Her sister has to catch the bus before 7. I don't know how we'll get her ready by 7 next year.

Just a thought to help your son Sammy feel a little more in control-I don't know how responsible or capable he is, but maybe you could make him responsible for helping out with Maggie. Give him tasks to do in the morning.


New member
I'm glad to hear the teacher is understanding. Our CF daughter starts kindergarten next year and I am not looking forward to it. We already get up at 5:30 in the morning to get her and her sister to school. She is in preschool and doesn't start until 9 but we still have a hard time with it (she's very sloooow at everything.) Her sister has to catch the bus before 7. I don't know how we'll get her ready by 7 next year.

Just a thought to help your son Sammy feel a little more in control-I don't know how responsible or capable he is, but maybe you could make him responsible for helping out with Maggie. Give him tasks to do in the morning.


New member
I'm glad to hear the teacher is understanding. Our CF daughter starts kindergarten next year and I am not looking forward to it. We already get up at 5:30 in the morning to get her and her sister to school. She is in preschool and doesn't start until 9 but we still have a hard time with it (she's very sloooow at everything.) Her sister has to catch the bus before 7. I don't know how we'll get her ready by 7 next year.

Just a thought to help your son Sammy feel a little more in control-I don't know how responsible or capable he is, but maybe you could make him responsible for helping out with Maggie. Give him tasks to do in the morning.


New member
I'm glad to hear the teacher is understanding. Our CF daughter starts kindergarten next year and I am not looking forward to it. We already get up at 5:30 in the morning to get her and her sister to school. She is in preschool and doesn't start until 9 but we still have a hard time with it (she's very sloooow at everything.) Her sister has to catch the bus before 7. I don't know how we'll get her ready by 7 next year.

Just a thought to help your son Sammy feel a little more in control-I don't know how responsible or capable he is, but maybe you could make him responsible for helping out with Maggie. Give him tasks to do in the morning.


New member
I'm glad to hear the teacher is understanding. Our CF daughter starts kindergarten next year and I am not looking forward to it. We already get up at 5:30 in the morning to get her and her sister to school. She is in preschool and doesn't start until 9 but we still have a hard time with it (she's very sloooow at everything.) Her sister has to catch the bus before 7. I don't know how we'll get her ready by 7 next year.
<br />
<br />Just a thought to help your son Sammy feel a little more in control-I don't know how responsible or capable he is, but maybe you could make him responsible for helping out with Maggie. Give him tasks to do in the morning.


New member
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}">Looking for tips on managing your day with 2 lpwcf in the house. Where both parents work out of necessity ,balancing the day, physio,nebs,school run, work etc is challenging.wonder if someone out there has created an efficient routine? Thanks for your thoughts.</h6>


New member
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}">Looking for tips on managing your day with 2 lpwcf in the house. Where both parents work out of necessity ,balancing the day, physio,nebs,school run, work etc is challenging.wonder if someone out there has created an efficient routine? Thanks for your thoughts.</h6>


New member
My advise would be to get up earlier to make sure there is extra time so they aren't late. I have a 12 year old that has CF. I wake him and his dadup at 6:00 am when I leave for work to get him set up. He does albuterol, Vest and other aerosols which normally take about 1 hr. He then gets ready for school and is ready to go by 7:45 for them to leave for school which starts at 8:20. I would try and get him a different ride but if they both have to be to school at fairly the same time I would just say even though it is a hassle this is something that us CF parent's have to deal with. Hope this helps even though it might not be the answer you are looking for.


New member
My advise would be to get up earlier to make sure there is extra time so they aren't late. I have a 12 year old that has CF. I wake him and his dadup at 6:00 am when I leave for work to get him set up. He does albuterol, Vest and other aerosols which normally take about 1 hr. He then gets ready for school and is ready to go by 7:45 for them to leave for school which starts at 8:20. I would try and get him a different ride but if they both have to be to school at fairly the same time I would just say even though it is a hassle this is something that us CF parent's have to deal with. Hope this helps even though it might not be the answer you are looking for.


We are struggling her too and my only solution is waking up earlier because today we had to make a choice -- finish the vest or cut short the treatment and make it on time. I don't like either solution.


We are struggling her too and my only solution is waking up earlier because today we had to make a choice -- finish the vest or cut short the treatment and make it on time. I don't like either solution.


Staff member
We've always gotten up earlier and I've always tried to figure backwards --- meaning we have to be out the door by 7:55 to drop off DS at school, it takes a half hour to vest, other 20 minutes for tobi, 15 minutes for breakfast...

I get up strap on DS' vest and nebs, then I run to the shower. By the time my shower is done, his albuterol/atrovent is done. I get morning meds ready while he's still vesting (another 10-15 minutes). When the vest stops, then I hook up his tobi. Then he gets his breakfast & morning meds, while I run and dry my hair and put on my make up, then DS gets dressed, bathroom, brush teeth and out the door.

We're fortunate that sometimes (most of the time), DS falls back asleep while he's doing his vest treatments in bed. A friend of mine's little girl does her vest treatments in the living room and doesn't go back to sleep. Plus she usually has to spend time in the bathroom prior to doing ANYTHING in the morning and if she doesn't go, the whole morning is shot and they're late.


Staff member
We've always gotten up earlier and I've always tried to figure backwards --- meaning we have to be out the door by 7:55 to drop off DS at school, it takes a half hour to vest, other 20 minutes for tobi, 15 minutes for breakfast...

I get up strap on DS' vest and nebs, then I run to the shower. By the time my shower is done, his albuterol/atrovent is done. I get morning meds ready while he's still vesting (another 10-15 minutes). When the vest stops, then I hook up his tobi. Then he gets his breakfast & morning meds, while I run and dry my hair and put on my make up, then DS gets dressed, bathroom, brush teeth and out the door.

We're fortunate that sometimes (most of the time), DS falls back asleep while he's doing his vest treatments in bed. A friend of mine's little girl does her vest treatments in the living room and doesn't go back to sleep. Plus she usually has to spend time in the bathroom prior to doing ANYTHING in the morning and if she doesn't go, the whole morning is shot and they're late.


New member
I have 3 in elementary school too- 1 with CF and we wake her up 15 minutes before the others. She does fall back to sleep until the others are up. Then her "pat pats" are done and the whole house is on the same routine. With TOBI we fudge it and wake her up 25 min so she can still wake up with others but she still has her mask keft for like 7 min. then she can eat get dressed!

On the days that we are pushed for time and the house is stressed i do a puffer xopenex and flutter treatment and when she is home from school 3pm we do her full treatment. (this is VERY RARE but it is an option!)

My issue is opposite... my cf'r hates to be late! The others could care less! We have told our school that on the months that we have to add TOBI to our routine that we maybe late. I email the teacher and the principal. I try to get the others there on time and come back to get my cf'r. So atleast she is the only one late! This is also stated in her 504 plan. BUT again she is the one that can't stand being late so i try very hard to keep all on a tight am schedule- they just know if we are not out of the house by 7:40am then they will either be wearing their pjs or late! Maybe their hair/teeth are not brushed but they are not late!!

I have just come to the conclusion that i have a justification with medical issues and if the truant officer expelled my kids for taking care of my daughters health then i will hire an attorney to fight. I am not super woman i can only do what i can do!! There is too much pressure just dealing with daily cf management - i do not need the pressure of school too! They have been late 5 times this year and it has been 7:51am when the tardy bell rings at 7:50am-- which i think is pretty darn good! LOL!



New member
I have 3 in elementary school too- 1 with CF and we wake her up 15 minutes before the others. She does fall back to sleep until the others are up. Then her "pat pats" are done and the whole house is on the same routine. With TOBI we fudge it and wake her up 25 min so she can still wake up with others but she still has her mask keft for like 7 min. then she can eat get dressed!

On the days that we are pushed for time and the house is stressed i do a puffer xopenex and flutter treatment and when she is home from school 3pm we do her full treatment. (this is VERY RARE but it is an option!)

My issue is opposite... my cf'r hates to be late! The others could care less! We have told our school that on the months that we have to add TOBI to our routine that we maybe late. I email the teacher and the principal. I try to get the others there on time and come back to get my cf'r. So atleast she is the only one late! This is also stated in her 504 plan. BUT again she is the one that can't stand being late so i try very hard to keep all on a tight am schedule- they just know if we are not out of the house by 7:40am then they will either be wearing their pjs or late! Maybe their hair/teeth are not brushed but they are not late!!

I have just come to the conclusion that i have a justification with medical issues and if the truant officer expelled my kids for taking care of my daughters health then i will hire an attorney to fight. I am not super woman i can only do what i can do!! There is too much pressure just dealing with daily cf management - i do not need the pressure of school too! They have been late 5 times this year and it has been 7:51am when the tardy bell rings at 7:50am-- which i think is pretty darn good! LOL!



New member
This is a challenge in our home too! I have three children- the oldest gets on the hs bus at 6:10am, the middle kid at 7:20 and Emily is now in her last year of elementary school with the latest bus at 8:25. I drive her if we are having a bad morning and we need the extra 20min. I dread her starting middle school this fall and needing to be ready an hour earlier!!! Her treatments take a solid hour and she needs a good half hour most mornings due to a couple bathroom trips so she is up when my oldest leaves for school.

Our new issue: my oldest will now need to get up earlier since he has to do some extra stuff. He has bad asthma/a new CRMS dx, has been really sick and needs to now do a neb, Acapella and sinus rinses in the morning instead of just an inhaler. Dragging him out of bed in time for the bus is enough fun- not looking forward to this.


New member
This is a challenge in our home too! I have three children- the oldest gets on the hs bus at 6:10am, the middle kid at 7:20 and Emily is now in her last year of elementary school with the latest bus at 8:25. I drive her if we are having a bad morning and we need the extra 20min. I dread her starting middle school this fall and needing to be ready an hour earlier!!! Her treatments take a solid hour and she needs a good half hour most mornings due to a couple bathroom trips so she is up when my oldest leaves for school.

Our new issue: my oldest will now need to get up earlier since he has to do some extra stuff. He has bad asthma/a new CRMS dx, has been really sick and needs to now do a neb, Acapella and sinus rinses in the morning instead of just an inhaler. Dragging him out of bed in time for the bus is enough fun- not looking forward to this.