Time Waster


New member
Hey! My name is Kayla Whitley. When I was little I got relly sick because no one knew I had CF. I live in Carlinville, IL. No one here has it so sometimes I feel alone in the world. All of my treatments take up so much time! I used to do the Fluter, but now I'm doing the Vest. I take Ultrace MT20. My brother A.J., has Asthma.He doesn't have to take pills, breathing treatments or any thing like that. When I'm out playing, my Mom or Dad has to call me in to take my meds. I can't go to friends houses without lugging 3 to 4 bags around. And just for one night!! I sometimes get pissed at my parents because they stop me right in the middle of things.thanks for reading!kayla whitley13yrs white feamaleP.S. Sorry about my spelling, I'm not all that good. Thanks anyway!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/clock.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Kayla, The best way to get your parents off your back is to negotiate a schedule with them and do it yourself! You're old enough to take charge in this kind of stuff, but you also have a life. If you don't want to to treatments at friends houses, show them that you'll do it before you leave or right when you get home. When they realize that you ar doing it for yourself, you'll get less interuptions and nagging. These are good habits to get into, just like brushing your teeth. Also when you have a schedule, you can alter it a bit. Missing a treatment or two isn't a big deal if you usually stay on top of it. It's hard for parents not to nag and remind and treat us like babies (my mom still tells me to take my enzymes and I haven't lived in the house for four years!), they are just doing what the doctor told them to do. If you show personal responsibility, they will back off a bit, and won't worry so much.Debbie22 yr old w/ CF. CFRD


New member
Hi Kayla,I'm 30....and my mom still tries to tell me what to do! It s a parent thing......they want you to be safe...and healthy! I saw that you are from Carlinville, IL. I live north of you about 2 hrs....near Salem. I wanted to let you know of a great strides walk coming up in Mt. Vernon. It is on Saturday April 24. I am on the committe to help get everything together. We would love some more people to walk and help to get the word out about CF. Let me know and I can give you the information you need.Dea