


Hi there,
My daughter had small haemoptysis for few years-. Now the bleeding are bigger and the doctors said that the embolisation is solution.
Have you any experience with that procedure?
thanks, carmenada


How big? In terms of volume or time the bleeding lasts? I've had 6 embolizations, we're trying not to do anymore. We tend to wait till it's really bad or frequent, like cups of blood in a day.

Are you doing anything preventative for the bleeding? ADEK's, vitamin K, and probiotics were the first things to make a difference for me. They all help with blood clotting.


How big? In terms of volume or time the bleeding lasts? I've had 6 embolizations, we're trying not to do anymore. We tend to wait till it's really bad or frequent, like cups of blood in a day.

Are you doing anything preventative for the bleeding? ADEK's, vitamin K, and probiotics were the first things to make a difference for me. They all help with blood clotting.

At the begining she had small bleeding (15-20ml) who always were solve with iv antibiotics.She takes daily aquadeks and vitamin K one per week.
but now,after 4 years from her first haemoptysis, she cought up almost 250-300ml blood.She need transfusion. Please tell me how you pass over that how you feel after the embolization. Have you culture pseudomonas or staph, because I am afraid of that. Why 6??..

Thank you,


Ok, that's a considerable amount. Especially if it's happening frequently, like a few times per week. I'd suggest first looking into all the precautionary stuff. I take aquadeks twice daily, mephyton 5mg 2x/day, probiotics twice a day. The probiotics are supposed to help with vitamin K absorption. In the last 2 years we started Tranexemic Acid (Lysteda), it affects the rate of blood clot breakdown. My doc tried it on me first, I read about it on here actually. He's using it on several chronic bleeder patients now with good results. Also learned on this board, about 2ml of cayenne pepper in some warm water seems to dilate the blood vessels and I think has stopped many bleeds within seconds. It's lost it's effect a bit over the years for me. I used to carry cayenne around in my pocket, the bleeds have reduced a lot since starting Lysteda so I haven't needed cayenne lately.
I've had pseudomonas over 30 years now, MRSA in the last 6 or so.

My first embolization was in 2000, I was having severe bleeds a few times a day for a few days straight. After each embolization the bleeds would usually stop for a few months. I had 2 within a month of eachother b/c they realized they didn't block the right vessels after I bled soon after. Over the last 13 years it's added up to 6. But we seem to have it relatively under control in the last 2-3 years. I'm told for many people they just need one embolization and it's fixed for good, or years. I was just a rough case.

They go up your femeral artery with a catheter, in interventional radiology. So it's like a real-time xray. Then they deposit a substance which blocks one of the bronchial arteries that seems inflamed or is bleeding. They don't put you to sleep but your sedated, so you're half asleep and time flies. Afterwards to you have lay on your back and not move your leg for like 6 hours or so. Which is harder than it sounds, I get achy laying still that long.

But that's basically it. We can put our doctors in contact if you're interested in the Lysteda I mentioned.


I think I read here about cayenne peper ,but didnt try it. We stop the bleeding with ice on the chest.Actually we always have ice battery in a ice bag wherever we go.After first massive bleeding Ada need to put on oxigen (she never feel that untill now!) I wonder if this make the embolisation hardly...And what about the complications-fever or chest pain-.You didnt have something like that?

Thank you so much for your answer...


New member
I had a low fever with both of mine, however it didn't worry the doctors. It was only around 99.5 or so, never broke the 100s.


Side effects as I recall, a little pain in the leg and at the site of arterial entry. My lungs felt kind of cold and a little restricted the next day or so. Otherwise I don't recall any extreme complications with my 6 BAE's.
Oh by the way, I messed up my conversion. About 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne does the trick, that's probably about 1/2 ml. It's easier to carry around a small vial of cayenne than ice. I've never tried the ice but I've heard of it.


New member
i had my first, and only so far, embolization in July 2007! it was same experience as erock77 mentioned ... they did conscious sedation ("twilight"), went up thru the femoral artery and found a bronchial artery about the thickness of a pinky finger that was bleeding, they blocked it off and i've not had to have another since! i didn't have any side effects (had much worse experience w/ a bronchoscopy) and, yes, they do make you lay flat for a certain amount of time then after that, as long as she doesn't have side effects either, you're good to go!