Recent content by LookingforPeace

  1. L

    Tobi podhaler

    I had similar experience. My docs suggested I increase my Flovent and ventolin. Since then I've switched to Pulmicort. So my regimen is: 2 ventolin, 28mg tobi, 2 symbicort, 3 pulmicort and then 2 more ventolin. So I've added one inhalation of pulmicort and 2 ventolin and it solved the problem...
  2. L

    Guidence and Inspiration Please

    Thanks, I really enjoyed this
  3. L

    Sinus Rinse

    How often and when do you do your sinus rinse? I usually do mine at night when I have a shower. Im starting to find that my ears and throat are becoming irritated since I sleep shortly afterward. Do you drain your sinuses after you do your rinse? How is this supposed to work?
  4. L

    Adult CF?

    Potentially relevant, maybe not. I've had numbness in my LEFT arm, blurred and tunnel vision, and my speech was slurred. I went to emerg as well. I forgot where it was. While I was there the symptoms worsened. I was told I was having a migraine. Couldn't believe it. You have several more...
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    I'm on the podhaler. I've never been on any other form of tobi. I have an asthmatic component to my CF. I upped my dosage of Flovent and ventolin with the podhaler to deal with the side effects.
  6. L

    Pulmozyme reaction

    I do have an asthmatic component. I think that's what's happening here. I'm definitely not sick. I think I'm just reacting to this amazing drug that could be so helpful! Very frustrating.
  7. L

    Pulmozyme reaction

    Hi, So I started taking Pulmozyme a week and a half ago. From what I've been told, I am to do physio about 30 minutes after. I half assed the physio on Sunday because I was going to the gym. I thought I'd make it to the gym within 30 minutes but it was more like N hour. I did my workout and...
  8. L

    Help! Sterilizing

    Hi everyone, I was told that I can boil the... Geeze I don't even know the terminology. I was told that I can boil my nebulizer (The thing I put my pulmozyme in) for 10 minutes "at a rolling boil". I swear I've completely deformed it. The lid doesn't close all the way. I noticed this so I...
  9. L

    Traveling with a carry-on

    Thanks for all your input everyone. I really appreciate it. I was stressing about the weight limit and fitting everything into my little carry on! I just bought my compressor today. 7lbs!
  10. L

    Women & Zithro 3x a week

    Hi ladies, Just wondering if you get yeast infections from taking zithro 3x a week (the Mon, Wed, Fri method 2 pills a day). Thanks for your input!
  11. L

    Traveling with a carry-on

    So I am traveling from Canada, driving to Buffalo, flying to Philadelphia, then flying about 4 hours to a tropical island :o). Since we have a stop over, to avoid the hassle, we are only bringing carry-ons. In addition to my clothes, I need to bring my meds (not a problem they can all fit in my...
  12. L

    When did you start to decline?

    Lifeisgood - I just want to say THANK you for your post. I'm having a difficult time right now, mentally. I feel paralyzed with fear of the future after losing my brother to CF. Your words were much needed.
  13. L

    Itraconazol & Pregnancy

    Has anyone here been pregnant on Itraconazol/Sporanox? Just wondering if I will be able to have a healthy pregnancy/baby if I am on this drug. Thanks for any input!
  14. L

    cipro and tendonitis

    I took Cipro for the first time in October. After 9 days my right upper arm/shoulder started hurting. I couldn't lift my arm up to brush my teeth. I called my doc & stopped taking it. The pain lasted about 2-3 weeks following. Not as severe AT ALL. But I could feel it so I tried to not use my...
  15. L

    Meropenem & Ceftazidime

    Hi, I don't look up drug side effects because I don't like to subconsciously talk myself into experiencing them. I just finished a 14 day course of meropenem and ceftazidime. The front of my legs/shins are killing me!! Has anyone experienced this after these antibiotics?