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  1. B

    Another Cf Angel

    Tara fought hard , as i understand it Tara was waiting for a Kidney TX. She had a Lung TX about 12 years ago. <br /> <br /> Rest Easy Gal .
  2. B

    I need the drugs, but do I have to stay?!

    Jeana, I think every Doc has his/her own idea on how to handle IV meds. Try getting Your Doc to take the time to sit and Talk with You, Sometimes that is the Key, They are SO busy that sometimes don't really hear You.. When I have had IV meds I am In the hospital and feeling crappy ,So...
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    I need the drugs, but do I have to stay?!

    Jeana, I think every Doc has his/her own idea on how to handle IV meds. Try getting Your Doc to take the time to sit and Talk with You, Sometimes that is the Key, They are SO busy that sometimes don't really hear You.. When I have had IV meds I am In the hospital and feeling crappy ,So...
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    I need the drugs, but do I have to stay?!

    <br /> Jeana, <br /> I think every Doc has his/her own idea on how to handle IV meds. <br /> Try getting Your Doc to take the time to sit and Talk with You, Sometimes <br /> that is the Key, They are SO busy that sometimes don't really hear You.. <br /> <br /> When I have had IV meds I am In...
  5. B

    VX-770 to be 250K p/year per patient

    I read a while back that the new meds were going to be high priced, that pretty much cuts me out.. I am retired on Disability SS and can't afford half of the Meds that are already out.. I think Cf was meant for the Rich ,,,,
  6. B

    VX-770 to be 250K p/year per patient

    I read a while back that the new meds were going to be high priced, that pretty much cuts me out.. I am retired on Disability SS and can't afford half of the Meds that are already out.. I think Cf was meant for the Rich ,,,,
  7. B

    VX-770 to be 250K p/year per patient

    I read a while back that the new meds were going to be high priced, that pretty much cuts me out.. <br /> I am retired on Disability SS and can't afford half of the Meds that are already out.. <br /> <br /> I think Cf was meant for the Rich ,,,,
  8. B

    Hair Loss in Men

    It must be different with every body , I have taken Pred many times in my life and have been on a low dose 10mg for over 3 years now. My hair is not only still thick I am getting hair in places I never had it before. Ears ,back.. I use to have hairy legs and that is gone, I am not sure it is...
  9. B

    Hair Loss in Men

    It must be different with every body , I have taken Pred many times in my life and have been on a low dose 10mg for over 3 years now. My hair is not only still thick I am getting hair in places I never had it before. Ears ,back.. I use to have hairy legs and that is gone, I am not sure it is...
  10. B

    Hair Loss in Men

    It must be different with every body , I have taken Pred many times in my life <br />and have been on a low dose 10mg for over 3 years now. My hair is not only <br />still thick I am getting hair in places I never had it before. Ears ,back.. <br /> <br /> I use to have hairy legs and that is...
  11. B

    Do you lead a normal life: Please check the best answer.

    Pat I understand, i kept the fact that I had Cf to my self until I had major issues. In School only a couple people knew about it. I also had people back away from me when they heard Cystic Fibrosis. Some were afraid they would catch it. I had to explain that They were more of a threat...
  12. B

    Do you lead a normal life: Please check the best answer.

    Pat I understand, i kept the fact that I had Cf to my self until I had major issues. In School only a couple people knew about it. I also had people back away from me when they heard Cystic Fibrosis. Some were afraid they would catch it. I had to explain that They were more of a threat...
  13. B

    Do you lead a normal life: Please check the best answer.

    Pat <br /> I understand, i kept the fact that I had Cf to my self until I had major issues. In School only a couple people knew <br /> about it. <br /> <br /> I also had people back away from me when they heard Cystic Fibrosis. Some were afraid <br /> they would catch it. I had to explain...
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    Do you lead a normal life: Please check the best answer.

     " There is No Normal Life, There is just Life. So Live it.
  15. B

    Do you lead a normal life: Please check the best answer.

    " There is No Normal Life, There is just Life. So Live it.
  16. B

    Do you lead a normal life: Please check the best answer.

    " There is No Normal Life, There is just Life. So Live it.
  17. B

    Levaquin 750 mg

    Sunshine I always take the 750s.. Sometime it gives me problems too.. So the first day or two I break the pill in half and take half in the morning and the other half at night.. This seems to work for me. Also with the 750s You must drink at least 8oz of water with it. I have been taken...
  18. B

    Levaquin 750 mg

    Sunshine I always take the 750s.. Sometime it gives me problems too.. So the first day or two I break the pill in half and take half in the morning and the other half at night.. This seems to work for me. Also with the 750s You must drink at least 8oz of water with it. I have been taken...
  19. B

    Levaquin 750 mg

    Sunshine <br /> <br /> I always take the 750s.. Sometime it gives me problems too.. <br /> So the first day or two I break the pill in half and take half in the <br /> morning and the other half at night.. This seems to work for me. <br /> <br />Also with the 750s You must drink at least 8oz of...
  20. B

    Airway clearance from exercise

    Yes,,, thats how I have done it for years..... Keep Moving and coughing up the junk !!