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  1. Z

    Got in the new Smart Vest by Electromed..

    We also have the Smart Vest. We do 30 minutes twice a day, and have the Hz at 10 for 10 min, 12 for 10 min, and 14 for 10 min. We keep the dial at 30-40. The company has been really good about replacing things too. I felt like the vest wasn't working as well a couple months ago, and they...
  2. Z

    Got in the new Smart Vest by Electromed..

    We also have the Smart Vest. We do 30 minutes twice a day, and have the Hz at 10 for 10 min, 12 for 10 min, and 14 for 10 min. We keep the dial at 30-40. The company has been really good about replacing things too. I felt like the vest wasn't working as well a couple months ago, and they...
  3. Z

    Got in the new Smart Vest by Electromed..

    We also have the Smart Vest. We do 30 minutes twice a day, and have the Hz at 10 for 10 min, 12 for 10 min, and 14 for 10 min. We keep the dial at 30-40. The company has been really good about replacing things too. I felt like the vest wasn't working as well a couple months ago, and they...
  4. Z

    Potty training and the vest

    Hi all, OK, my daughter is 4 and we are still potty training! Not fun at all, but she has a speech/lang. delay which has made this a long process. I think we are almost there, but everytime we do the vest she is having a bowel movement and can't make it to the bathroom! Of course it is...
  5. Z

    Potty training and the vest

    Hi all, OK, my daughter is 4 and we are still potty training! Not fun at all, but she has a speech/lang. delay which has made this a long process. I think we are almost there, but everytime we do the vest she is having a bowel movement and can't make it to the bathroom! Of course it is...
  6. Z

    Potty training and the vest

    Hi all, OK, my daughter is 4 and we are still potty training! Not fun at all, but she has a speech/lang. delay which has made this a long process. I think we are almost there, but everytime we do the vest she is having a bowel movement and can't make it to the bathroom! Of course it is...
  7. Z

    Potty training and the vest

    Hi all, OK, my daughter is 4 and we are still potty training! Not fun at all, but she has a speech/lang. delay which has made this a long process. I think we are almost there, but everytime we do the vest she is having a bowel movement and can't make it to the bathroom! Of course it is...
  8. Z

    Potty training and the vest

    Hi all, <br /> <br />OK, my daughter is 4 and we are still potty training! Not fun at all, but she has a speech/lang. delay which has made this a long process. I think we are almost there, but everytime we do the vest she is having a bowel movement and can't make it to the bathroom! Of course...
  9. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Jennifer- can you tell me what brand of soy you use? Missa- Do your children drink the coconut milk straight as they would with regular milk? My daughter is a Terrible eater! I'm thinking some of it may be related to the PDD because I am hearing that these kids often have extreme preferences...
  10. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Jennifer- can you tell me what brand of soy you use? Missa- Do your children drink the coconut milk straight as they would with regular milk? My daughter is a Terrible eater! I'm thinking some of it may be related to the PDD because I am hearing that these kids often have extreme preferences...
  11. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Jennifer- can you tell me what brand of soy you use? Missa- Do your children drink the coconut milk straight as they would with regular milk? My daughter is a Terrible eater! I'm thinking some of it may be related to the PDD because I am hearing that these kids often have extreme preferences...
  12. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Jennifer- can you tell me what brand of soy you use? Missa- Do your children drink the coconut milk straight as they would with regular milk? My daughter is a Terrible eater! I'm thinking some of it may be related to the PDD because I am hearing that these kids often have extreme preferences...
  13. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Jennifer- can you tell me what brand of soy you use? <br /> <br />Missa- Do your children drink the coconut milk straight as they would with regular milk? My daughter is a Terrible eater! I'm thinking some of it may be related to the PDD because I am hearing that these kids often have extreme...
  14. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Hello, I posted a couple weeks back and got awesome responses on going gluten free. I haven't made the switch yet, but my daughter is on the autism spectrum and I keep reading positive reviews on this diet. The tough part for us is going to be losing dairy. Kate is a HORRIBLE eater! I'm...
  15. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Hello, I posted a couple weeks back and got awesome responses on going gluten free. I haven't made the switch yet, but my daughter is on the autism spectrum and I keep reading positive reviews on this diet. The tough part for us is going to be losing dairy. Kate is a HORRIBLE eater! I'm...
  16. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Hello, I posted a couple weeks back and got awesome responses on going gluten free. I haven't made the switch yet, but my daughter is on the autism spectrum and I keep reading positive reviews on this diet. The tough part for us is going to be losing dairy. Kate is a HORRIBLE eater! I'm...
  17. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Hello, I posted a couple weeks back and got awesome responses on going gluten free. I haven't made the switch yet, but my daughter is on the autism spectrum and I keep reading positive reviews on this diet. The tough part for us is going to be losing dairy. Kate is a HORRIBLE eater! I'm...
  18. Z

    Dairy/Casein Free Diet

    Hello, <br /> <br />I posted a couple weeks back and got awesome responses on going gluten free. I haven't made the switch yet, but my daughter is on the autism spectrum and I keep reading positive reviews on this diet. The tough part for us is going to be losing dairy. Kate is a HORRIBLE...
  19. Z

    Coughing when?

    My daughter cultured PA at 6 months and had NO cough (her x-ray they did after the culture did show a little something). She has had clear cultures ever since (knock on wood!) This fall she had a nasty two month long cough with clear x-rays and clear cultures. So who knows? Sure can be...
  20. Z

    Coughing when?

    My daughter cultured PA at 6 months and had NO cough (her x-ray they did after the culture did show a little something). She has had clear cultures ever since (knock on wood!) This fall she had a nasty two month long cough with clear x-rays and clear cultures. So who knows? Sure can be...