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  1. R

    has anyone had these side effects from ceftaz!

    I had swollen feet and hands my body felt like my blood was boiling after I got infused . Then after about 2 days of being on after I got home on them I noticed after I got infused the inflammation was horrible my lungs felt like they were on fire. Coughing up mucus , but also clear stuff . Also...
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    azithromycin for inflammation

    I just started azithromycin 500 mg for inflammation on Monday . I am having a lot of mucus some of which is clear saliva looking. it gets really bad at night. How long does this normally take to start working . Is it immediate or takes time. I have been using ibuprofen in between the MWF dose...
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    anxiety meds that dont affect the lungs

    The only time I have anxiety that I cant control is when I am on IV meds and in the hospital. I have only taken Xanax this time. I have tried Cymbalta . Lexapro before and they both make my heart race. Anyone have any suggestions about what I can use that gets rid of anxiety but doesn't slow...
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    anxiety still after 5 days off of iv's (meropenem & vancamycin) Help !! Losing it!!

    anxiety still after 5 days off of iv's (meropenem & vancamycin) Help !! Losing it!! I had some anxiety in the hospital. I thought it was from being couped up in that room for 7 days and from the iv's .But I still had the anxiety at home just as bad. I was on Meropenem and Vancomycin for 2...
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    getting fev 1 back up

    I just got out of the hospital Tuesday night . When I went in my fev1 was 29 . My baseline on my last clinic visit was 42 . I got it back up to 39 before I got out of the hospital . I want to get it up more. I have a treadmill , but what else can I do to get my lungs back in shape .
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    vancomycin & imipenim side effects

    Well I thought it was going to be ceftazadine but its not . So what kind of side effects from vancomycin and imipenim did you guys have . I thought imipenum was real close to meropenum which I can't take . Makes my liver enzymes go really high . So I figure I will have major stomach issues...
  7. R

    side effects from ceftazadime, please help very scared!

    I am going to have go on ceftazadime this week . I am wondering what side effects others have had from this . I am not allergic to penicillin . But I am allergic to bactrim . It's because of the bactrim that I am so sick it almost shut my lungs down . The last time I had iv's I was on...
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    cayston for cepacia

    I was in a trial for the inhaled Cayston for Cepacia back a year ago . Was wondering if it has been approved for Cepacia . I know the trial is done but don't know if the FDA approved it or not and my CF Dr. doesn't seem to know either.
  9. R

    Allergic reaction to Bactrim Please Help !!!

    I have taken Bactrim before and always had some side effects(shortness of breath, no appetite) , but always stuck it out because the bacteria I have was sensitive to it . But this time I took it almost a week 800 mg 3 x a day . By the 7th day I felt like I had pneumonia. My lungs were tight I...
  10. R

    Shortness of breath with Bactrim

    I have been taking 800 mg of bactrim 3x a day for almost a week now. I have noticed that I have shortness of breath ( and heart is racing) that I didnt have before. It's not the same mucos stuck in there and i need to get it out . And does anyone else have reoccuring UTI . My PCP said it was...
  11. R

    who can contract cepacia from me

    My step grand daughter was just diagnosed with asthma . The dr. the mother took her to in Arkansas told her that the little girl could get cepacia from me . I am undecided about believing it . Just wanted to know what you guys think. She was a premie 2 months early and has had many bouts with...
  12. R

    does anyone know what size power converter i need for updraft in vehicle

    I need to purchase a power converter for the truck . We have one but it isn't big enough I don't think. I'll be on the road a lot and wont have time to do it other than in the truck. I've looked at several online but don't know what size to get. Any help would be appreciated.<br>
  13. R

    Dealing with dumb people that think CF is contagious

    I have had a lot of problems with my stepson and his daughter (she's 3) for a while . The stepson lives here and he gets her 2weeks at a time and every time he gets her she is either sick when she gets here or gets sick while she's here. I caught something from her right after memorial day. And...
  14. R

    checking for cf on unborn fetus through blood test

    My daughter is 10 weeks pregnant and her baby doctor took blood yesterday and said he was checking the baby for CF . I didn't think you could check for it until the baby is at least  2 months old . My daughter doesn't have CF .<br>
  15. R

    using hypertonic saline when you have major draining and coughing

    I have some sort of virus that comes with  a sore throat and fever and major throat drainage that makes me cough nonstop ,especially at night. Cant get my dr at the clinic to call me back yet . Should i lay off the hts till the drainage slows . I'm not having any trouble coughing it up yet. That...
  16. R

    dealing with noncaring family members about bringing colds into my house

    My stepson continually brings his 2 yr old to our house with a cold. Then lies to me and tells me she just has allergies. Or last time it was teething. When i can clearly see it is not. She is running a fever has a runny nose and cough. She is a healthy child just catches stuff because she is...
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    Finally solved my bowel issues!!!

    Have been having problems with bowel. (not working at all).Have been on miralax for 3 months 3 to 4 x a day. My Cf doc referred me to a GI doc and he did a colonoscopy , EGD , complete abdominal scan , x-rays to check for blockage. And they still didn't know what is causing it . Didn't go back...
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    how to know if i have bowel blockage

    I have been having trouble having a bowel movement the past couple of days. I have had some pretty good pain with it also. I have had this before and it went away .Every time I have had it is when i have my period . I went to my PCP and got a pelvic and ultrasound of my ovaries. Came out fine...
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    Is it safe for cfer's to attend the walk-a thons

    My daughter and mom went to a CF walk-a-thon this morning , but i did not go b/c i didn't want to spread my Cepacia and MRSA to other cfer's. My daughter said that there were 5 cf children there. And they could also have a bug that i didn't want. If there are any worse ones than Cepacia. The...
  20. R

    some help with anyone has taken cymbalta

    I started on Cymbalta 5 days ago . The first dose (30mg) made me kind of sleepy and that was good b/c I haven't been sleeping b/c of the anxiety and panic attacks. But now I have a belly ache pretty much all day and no appetite. And about the first 5 hrs after I take it my heart rate isnt...