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  1. S


    i have a myspace. it's
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    Help me am i making the right decision?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i> *biting tongue, very very hard* be a good girl kylie, be a good girl. *pats self, takes a valium*</end quote></div> Be careful...
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    Help me am i making the right decision?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i> *biting tongue, very very hard* be a good girl kylie, be a good girl. *pats self, takes a valium*</end quote></div> Be careful...
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    Help me am i making the right decision?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i> *biting tongue, very very hard* be a good girl kylie, be a good girl. *pats self, takes a valium*</end quote></div> Be careful...
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    Do you use Pulmozyme?

    i'm glad to see this because I hate using the Sidestream. if i had known this i would've been using my Pari nebs, which i like much better.
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    Do you use Pulmozyme?

    i'm glad to see this because I hate using the Sidestream. if i had known this i would've been using my Pari nebs, which i like much better.
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    Do you use Pulmozyme?

    i'm glad to see this because I hate using the Sidestream. if i had known this i would've been using my Pari nebs, which i like much better.
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    Lindsey update - 5/03/07, 12:50pm

    That's GREAT news!!!!!!! I'll be praying for her.
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    Lindsey update - 5/03/07, 12:50pm

    That's GREAT news!!!!!!! I'll be praying for her.
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    Lindsey update - 5/03/07, 12:50pm

    That's GREAT news!!!!!!! I'll be praying for her.
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    FEV1 still low

    I went to see my CF doc yesterday (I went to a local clinic on Tuesday because I was having severe chest pains). I was suppose to go next week, but because of the chest pains and the fact that the local doctor prescribed me 3 things that I couldn't take, she wanted me to go ahead and come in...
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    FEV1 still low

    I went to see my CF doc yesterday (I went to a local clinic on Tuesday because I was having severe chest pains). I was suppose to go next week, but because of the chest pains and the fact that the local doctor prescribed me 3 things that I couldn't take, she wanted me to go ahead and come in...
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    FEV1 still low

    I went to see my CF doc yesterday (I went to a local clinic on Tuesday because I was having severe chest pains). I was suppose to go next week, but because of the chest pains and the fact that the local doctor prescribed me 3 things that I couldn't take, she wanted me to go ahead and come in...
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    severe chest pain

    Well, I went to the doctor. I just went to our local clinic (where they know VERY little about CF) Well anyways, the doctor took an X-ray and said I had plurisy (sp?). The pain's not as bad as it was, but I've never had plurisy before, so that's kinda wierd to me.
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    severe chest pain

    Well, I went to the doctor. I just went to our local clinic (where they know VERY little about CF) Well anyways, the doctor took an X-ray and said I had plurisy (sp?). The pain's not as bad as it was, but I've never had plurisy before, so that's kinda wierd to me.
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    severe chest pain

    Well, I went to the doctor. I just went to our local clinic (where they know VERY little about CF) Well anyways, the doctor took an X-ray and said I had plurisy (sp?). The pain's not as bad as it was, but I've never had plurisy before, so that's kinda wierd to me.
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    severe chest pain

    This morning when I woke up, my chest was hurting. As the day has gone on, it has gotten worse and now the pain has spread to my shoulders and my neck. I've taken 2 antiacids and I took my Ranidine (Zantac) this morning. It hurts to breath deep or even move. It's not a burning feeling like I...
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    severe chest pain

    This morning when I woke up, my chest was hurting. As the day has gone on, it has gotten worse and now the pain has spread to my shoulders and my neck. I've taken 2 antiacids and I took my Ranidine (Zantac) this morning. It hurts to breath deep or even move. It's not a burning feeling like I...
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    severe chest pain

    This morning when I woke up, my chest was hurting. As the day has gone on, it has gotten worse and now the pain has spread to my shoulders and my neck. I've taken 2 antiacids and I took my Ranidine (Zantac) this morning. It hurts to breath deep or even move. It's not a burning feeling like I...
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    whats your fev1 ?

    I'm 19 (almost 20) and my FEV1 was at 64% about a month ago, but it's usually in the 80s