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    GSH- how much to take?

    Okay, I got the all clear from my dr. to try GHS, but I forgot to ask how much. How much do you all take? I am 5'1" and around 119 lbs. Any help would be appreciated!
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    Just thought I'd share...

    I just thought I'd share a pic of a table I drew up (the basic idea) and my dad built for me for my "stuff". It's really turned out to be just what I needed to keep the cats, dog and toddler out the middle of my med stuff <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . What do...
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    Where do I start? Back from clinic appt.

    Well, I realized today at clinic that I have been quoting my FCVs (mid 60's) for my FEV1- my FEV1 is 47% <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">. That's a little depressing, but the good news is it has been there at least since Jan. of '04. And my Dr said that I could try...
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    For those in Alabama...a 2 fer ;)

    Okay , the first part is: Did you get a letter from Laps for Cystic Fibrosis about making a CF family network? And second: Do you use Foundation Care for meds, eFlow, etc. or Pharmaceutical Specialties, Inc.? Are they the same thing, basically? (since Source cf is an Alabama company? Or does...
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    eFLOW questions...again... ;)

    I tried to find a link (google) to instructions on using the eFlow, cleaning, etc. but couldn't find one! I would like to see just how it works, how to clean it, find out if it has to be cleaned between meds, or just after the whole session, etc. but I've had no luck (keep getting research...
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    CF and the monthly cycle- again, for the ladies...

    We got discussing on another thread about how PMS and the monthly cycle affect cf symptoms (like bloating, worse digestion, affects on hemoptysis, congestion, etc.), and whether or not there were benefits to our health to not have a period (for example, birth control that lets you skip, etc.)...
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    OT-Gatlinburg, Tennessee vacation pics

    These are from the Ripley's Aquarium- very cool place! The tunnel under the shark tank (with the moving sidewalk) was really neat! The saw tooth sharks apparently like to lay on top of the tunnel-lol. <img src=""> <img...
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    Could somebody who reads these things more than me (and therefore, would understand it so much better than I) and tell me if this is saying that olive oil can up GSH levels with any significance? <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
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    Perricone Diet (Anti inflamatory diet)

    I was planning on checking a book about the Perricone Diet to take a look at it, (even though I hate most whole grain stuff -except cereal, but I'm guessing that the marshmallow clovers would be out -lol and love dairy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> ) but when I...
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    Vest Idiot needs help-

    Need a little help with my vest... I read Amy's blog about the hz and all, and I'm kinda confused, not to mention realized I haven't been changing anything(especially after my bout with the liver infection- it took me a month to be able to use it again). I've just left it set at 8 hz and I guess...
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    Any one else see this? Ovulation and icecream..

    I saw a news story this week that a link between "real" icecream (as in, all the fat and calories <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ) and fertility is being investigated, and that they suspect that it has something to do with something fat soluble in the icecream...
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    Hypertonic saline- waiting list?

    For those of you who are on a waiting list for the 10% HS, what are you doing in the meantime? I am on the CF Services waiting list as of today... I thought I might just do once a day, but that only buys me another week. Anybody doing the 3% in the meantime?
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    Most common cf gene?

    I had one of the preliminary genetic tests done- oh let's see, my sister was young enough that when they took her blood, she said "Momma, they're wasting my blood!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> and she's fixing to turn 31 this month- so it's been a while...
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    I'm not sure where this goes...

    (If this needs moved, please move it for me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ) Does anyone else have a pet who likes to sit with you while you do your meds/vest? I ask this because one of our cats (the fluffy white one, of course!) comes and sits with me while I do...
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    When it's time for a tune up...

    I admit, this is just curiousity, but do prefer to stay in the hospital or do home iv's? I prefer going home because 1) I have a 3 year old at home and plenty of babysitters, 2) less new germs at home 3) I have gotten some really dirty rooms at the hospital before- not a good thing. (And I'm...
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    Just expressing my appreciation...

    For all the people here. I'm learning alot, and actually learned something I could pass along that might help someone else my sister knows with a cf baby. She (the mom) has had symptoms of cf (mild tummy problems and lung problems, from what I could gather) and now has a child with cf. I told my...
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    Cleaning the hypertonic saline vial?

    If you mix your own 7% hypertonic saline, and especially if you get it from the CF Services Pharmacy, how do you clean the vial you mix it in? I checked where they told me to on the directions, but the website only had directions for general cleaning of nebs. Right now I am filling it with...