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  1. S

    Aeroneb Go

    i found this brochure on the aeroneb go... The Aeroneb Go® - a silent, portable, vibrating mesh nebuliser manufactured by Aerogen and utilising a horizontal mesh containing 1,000 holes obtained by electrolysis, and vibrates at 100 kHz. The Aeroneb Go is a single patient use device for...
  2. S

    Aeroneb Go

    i found this brochure on the aeroneb go... The Aeroneb Go® - a silent, portable, vibrating mesh nebuliser manufactured by Aerogen and utilising a horizontal mesh containing 1,000 holes obtained by electrolysis, and vibrates at 100 kHz. The Aeroneb Go is a single patient use device for...
  3. S

    Aeroneb Go

    i found this brochure on the aeroneb go... The Aeroneb Go® - a silent, portable, vibrating mesh nebuliser manufactured by Aerogen and utilising a horizontal mesh containing 1,000 holes obtained by electrolysis, and vibrates at 100 kHz. The Aeroneb Go is a single patient use device for...
  4. S

    Is Anyone from Louisiana or Mississippi?

    Oh and about the Medicaid, I could be wrong, but I don't think they would pay for a hospital out of state, but I could be wrong so don't take my word on it.
  5. S

    Is Anyone from Louisiana or Mississippi?

    Oh and about the Medicaid, I could be wrong, but I don't think they would pay for a hospital out of state, but I could be wrong so don't take my word on it.
  6. S

    Is Anyone from Louisiana or Mississippi?

    Oh and about the Medicaid, I could be wrong, but I don't think they would pay for a hospital out of state, but I could be wrong so don't take my word on it.
  7. S

    Is Anyone from Louisiana or Mississippi?

    I'm from Laurel, MS and I go to Jackson. If you went to Jackson, you'd see Dr. Miller. I really like her, but of course she's been my doctor just about my whole life. When I was 13, she moved to the adult clinic, so I saw a different doctor, but I just moved to the adult clinic and I see her again.
  8. S

    Is Anyone from Louisiana or Mississippi?

    I'm from Laurel, MS and I go to Jackson. If you went to Jackson, you'd see Dr. Miller. I really like her, but of course she's been my doctor just about my whole life. When I was 13, she moved to the adult clinic, so I saw a different doctor, but I just moved to the adult clinic and I see her again.
  9. S

    Is Anyone from Louisiana or Mississippi?

    I'm from Laurel, MS and I go to Jackson. If you went to Jackson, you'd see Dr. Miller. I really like her, but of course she's been my doctor just about my whole life. When I was 13, she moved to the adult clinic, so I saw a different doctor, but I just moved to the adult clinic and I see her again.
  10. S

    Aeroneb Go

    I'm supposed to be getting a new compressor tomorrow. I wanted a Pulmo-Aide Devilbiss because that is the one approved for pulmozyme and Tobi, but no one seems to carry them anymore. Every medical supply store I called around here and I called quite a few, said they were old and outdated. I...
  11. S

    Aeroneb Go

    I'm supposed to be getting a new compressor tomorrow. I wanted a Pulmo-Aide Devilbiss because that is the one approved for pulmozyme and Tobi, but no one seems to carry them anymore. Every medical supply store I called around here and I called quite a few, said they were old and outdated. I...
  12. S

    Aeroneb Go

    I'm supposed to be getting a new compressor tomorrow. I wanted a Pulmo-Aide Devilbiss because that is the one approved for pulmozyme and Tobi, but no one seems to carry them anymore. Every medical supply store I called around here and I called quite a few, said they were old and outdated. I...
  13. S


    My compressor I had at work has broke, so I've been using my little cousin's compressor. He's has asthma and him mom works here, so his machine is here. Anyways, I'm not sure what kind it is, but I do know it's gotta be for little kids. It's orange and has little eyeballs and hands on it (it's...
  14. S


    My compressor I had at work has broke, so I've been using my little cousin's compressor. He's has asthma and him mom works here, so his machine is here. Anyways, I'm not sure what kind it is, but I do know it's gotta be for little kids. It's orange and has little eyeballs and hands on it (it's...
  15. S


    My compressor I had at work has broke, so I've been using my little cousin's compressor. He's has asthma and him mom works here, so his machine is here. Anyways, I'm not sure what kind it is, but I do know it's gotta be for little kids. It's orange and has little eyeballs and hands on it (it's...
  16. S

    hey everyone long time no chat

    Well first, congrats on the baby boy. You should really try not to dwell on the possible CF thing because you will be completely miserable, but I know that's easier said then done, but now on to your husband. He sounds like a complete ass, and from experience, some people change, but most don't...
  17. S

    hey everyone long time no chat

    Well first, congrats on the baby boy. You should really try not to dwell on the possible CF thing because you will be completely miserable, but I know that's easier said then done, but now on to your husband. He sounds like a complete ass, and from experience, some people change, but most don't...
  18. S

    hey everyone long time no chat

    Well first, congrats on the baby boy. You should really try not to dwell on the possible CF thing because you will be completely miserable, but I know that's easier said then done, but now on to your husband. He sounds like a complete ass, and from experience, some people change, but most don't...
  19. S

    Female only question

    I've always had vaginal dryness, so I was just curious if that would mean I have the thickened cervical mucus problem. At first I thought that if you had thick cervical mucus, then you wouldn't have the dryness, but then I started thinking that if it's too thick, it wouldn't come out like it's...
  20. S

    Female only question

    I've always had vaginal dryness, so I was just curious if that would mean I have the thickened cervical mucus problem. At first I thought that if you had thick cervical mucus, then you wouldn't have the dryness, but then I started thinking that if it's too thick, it wouldn't come out like it's...