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  1. S

    What is your copay on TOBI?

    my insurance pays all $100 and i just got approved for the Tobi Foundation, so i will only have to pay like $10. it is pretty easy to get approved for the Tobi Foundation as long as you are not filthy rich<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  2. S

    What is your copay on TOBI?

    my insurance pays all $100 and i just got approved for the Tobi Foundation, so i will only have to pay like $10. it is pretty easy to get approved for the Tobi Foundation as long as you are not filthy rich<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  3. S

    offensive bumper sticker

    has anyone seen the bumper stickers that say "at least i can still smoke in my car"? everytime i see someone with one, i get road rage and want to ram my car into them. just venting<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">
  4. S

    offensive bumper sticker

    has anyone seen the bumper stickers that say "at least i can still smoke in my car"? everytime i see someone with one, i get road rage and want to ram my car into them. just venting<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">
  5. S

    staph infection?

    the one i have now is in my armpit, but i have gotten them on my stomach and legs. the one now does not hurt unless i touch it, but the other ones hurt even when i didnt touch them. do i need to go to the doctor?
  6. S

    staph infection?

    the one i have now is in my armpit, but i have gotten them on my stomach and legs. the one now does not hurt unless i touch it, but the other ones hurt even when i didnt touch them. do i need to go to the doctor?