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  1. K

    Just have a few questions.

    Hey Kayla! My name is Kimberly, i am currently 22 weeks pregnant with my first child, he was not a planned baby, but he wasn't really unexpected either. We did want a child, but we didn't want to plan it, we just let nature takes it course, and 11 months of having no protection, we conceived. So...
  2. K

    What Medications do you have to stop during Pregnancy????

    The only medications i was advised not to take are cipro and tobi. You should ask your doctor for more information though.
  3. K

    Dental problems caused by cf?

    I have an extreme case of bad teeth, and most of it is genetic. I have an underbite, that requires surgery, i have lost three of my front teeth, the first one when i was about 12 years old and the last two just recently after i got braces. I was also seen by an oral surgeon that said that my...
  4. K

    Dental problems caused by cf?

    I have an extreme case of bad teeth, and most of it is genetic. I have an underbite, that requires surgery, i have lost three of my front teeth, the first one when i was about 12 years old and the last two just recently after i got braces. I was also seen by an oral surgeon that said that my...
  5. K

    Stomach fat and bloating

    Okay so i have gained over 10 pounds in about a year and my stomach is really flabby and bloated looking, i cannot wear any tight clothes because i look pregnant. I was wondering if any of you have had this problem or know any solution that may help this to go away. I take miralax 2x daily and i...
  6. K

    Stomach fat and bloating

    Okay so i have gained over 10 pounds in about a year and my stomach is really flabby and bloated looking, i cannot wear any tight clothes because i look pregnant. I was wondering if any of you have had this problem or know any solution that may help this to go away. I take miralax 2x daily and i...