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  1. R

    Enzymes in school

    i went to the office to take them because my school had some rule about all meds needed to be held and taken ther to prevent kids from selling them or something and i got out of class 5 min early befor lunch so it was cool with me
  2. R

    Help for a Lonely 27 male CFer

    i some what know how you feel, im 20 and going through what seems to be a downward spiral with the girl that ive been going out with for the past year. she's my first gf so i know it going to be hard on me when her and i finaly break up but i know it just a mater of time. but my friends have...
  3. R

    jobs that a cf'r can do?

    jobs that a cf'r can do ok im 20/m/with cf and im liveing with my dad. im collecting dissabilty but thats still not covering all my bills and i want to start going back to school. so i need a job, however i dont know what i would be able to do exactly. im not really qualified at anything and...
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    Does anyone else live here?

    salem oregonjared20/m/w cf
  5. R

    face looking a little puffy

    steroids will do it to ya from what ive heard but im a guy so i danot know much about all that other stuff
  6. R

    on a scale of 1-10?

    ok i feel like i'm about a 7 on the scale of "normalcie" but my lung funtions are like at 53% but i still feel good!? i dont get sick that often but i do feel low on energy alot and i live for the most part a normal life for a 20 year old. is any one esle like this? and how do you all feel with...
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    CF and Drinking

    ive gotn drunk a few times and the worst ive noticved is that its harder to controll a cough and im not all to sure if takeing your enzimes makes it worse or not yet but im still learning but i wouldnt sugest drinking unless your with frinds who understand your breathing prtoblemin case...
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    Aol Instant Messenger

    "i drift rx" 20/m liveing in oregon im me anytime with any type of question or comment