face looking a little puffy


New member
A lot of women have written about their stomachs looking puffy as the day goes on,but has anyone who is NOT on steroids had a problem with their face getting puffy on certain days? I cannot figure out if it is caused by a reaction to medication or not--it looks like a little edema, but who knows?


New member
I dont know about the whole face being puffy, but sometime in my early 20's i started getting puffy under the eyes. This stayed with me, and since i have chronic sinusitis, i have not really found anything that gets rid of it. Some days worse than others. It is possible that what you are experiencing is related to your menstrual cycle. We tend to retain water right before the period begins. Is this about when you are noticing the puffiness? It's always possible it could be a reaction to a medication, or by allergies. Next time when you notice it, think about what is going on at the time.... Are you on a different medicine, period coming, feeling crappy, headaches, Take note of what is going on along with it and eventually you may get your answer. I would also ask the doctor about it. It's good to make them aware of changes , especially ones that concern you. Good luck ~ Diane


New member
steroids will do it to ya from what ive heard but im a guy so i danot know much about all that other stuff


New member
Do you have a port? when I had my port, long before using predisone regularly, I started having problem. Started little puffy then becaume major. Come to find out I had a blockage they had to stint open. The only way they detected it was a dye test. The ultrasound and MRI did not pick it up. Since my DR has had another patient with the same problem.Just something to consider.


New member
do you have an oxygen tank at home? could also be a bit of lack of oxygen. when my husband got out of the hospital the last time, about three weeks later, he started to get puffy. doc told him to start wearing his oxygen more and up the liters of it. just one of probably many possibilities, I guess. The puffiness went away pretty quickly for him.


New member
Hi my name is chris, I am a double lung transplant person. I know I had puffy cheaks also, the docs put me on Lasix a fluid pill. That worked for me. talk to your docs about that.take care chris of glendale,Az