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  1. E

    Having a baby

    Sorry, can't help much as have never had a baby! But I believe that here in the UK the doctors don't advise a person with CF to get pregnant if they have an FEV1 below 60%. I do know 3 other people who post on the UK CF Trust forums who have had babies, and who I'm sure would be happy to talk...
  2. E

    Working with cf

    I think everyone with CF is different in how it affects them. Personally I haven't worked for some years now (and even before that I could only manage part-time) because I am constantly exhausted. I do voluntary work in a charity shop for 3hrs on 2 afternoons a week, but by the end of it I'm so...
  3. E

    Cf Adventure Camp for Adults too

    Hello! Always like to chat to other people! Sorry I don't know your name, but if you want to leave an email address I can contact you?
  4. E

    Cf Adventure Camp for Adults too

    Hi Becky First off, congratulations on your double lung transplant. I hope all is going well! The CF Adventure camp sounds great, although living in the UK means I wouldn't be able to get there! However I did have a general query about the issue of cross-infection. You see, here in the UK we...
  5. E

    I have CF and Im running the London Marathon

    Hi Rob! Congratulations on the good news. This really is fantastic to hear and you are going to be really proud on the big day I'm sure. My brother (now 33yrs) has CF and ran the London marathon in 2000. It was one of the biggest days of his life as I'm sure it will be for you too. Good luck...