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  1. D

    Don't what to do..

    Have you ever been checked for ABPA. This is a viral infection common in about 10% of cf patients, so antibiotics don't touch it - and an astounding number of doctors never think of it. It will cause all other infections to increase in intensity. ABPA is diagnosed with a blood test to look at...
  2. D

    Don't what to do..

    Have you ever been checked for ABPA. This is a viral infection common in about 10% of cf patients, so antibiotics don't touch it - and an astounding number of doctors never think of it. It will cause all other infections to increase in intensity. ABPA is diagnosed with a blood test to look at...
  3. D

    fighting for help

    After reading up on c diff - I agree that the intestinal symptoms your daughter is experiencing could be explained by that condition. However, for a pediatrician to refuse to rule out all obvious potential causes of this situation is highly irresponsible - borderline physician incompetence. I...
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    fighting for help

    After reading up on c diff - I agree that the intestinal symptoms your daughter is experiencing could be explained by that condition. However, for a pediatrician to refuse to rule out all obvious potential causes of this situation is highly irresponsible - borderline physician incompetence. I...
  5. D

    fighting for help

    Yes - weight is a HUGE factor in CF. That's the reason I was diagnosed at 8mos in 1967. It's called "failure to thrive". Our inability to absorb the nutrients we consume means that we pass the food - largely undigested - right through our systems. This means that a second symptom is present...
  6. D

    fighting for help

    Yes - weight is a HUGE factor in CF. That's the reason I was diagnosed at 8mos in 1967. It's called "failure to thrive". Our inability to absorb the nutrients we consume means that we pass the food - largely undigested - right through our systems. This means that a second symptom is present...
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    Josette, I am always happy to talk to parents of newly diagnosed cf kids. This is a very scary time for you, but fear can be highly destructive and also overcome by knowledge - and knowledge is best obtained by talking to people with cf. I am forty-five years old living in Vermont. My...
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    Josette, I am always happy to talk to parents of newly diagnosed cf kids. This is a very scary time for you, but fear can be highly destructive and also overcome by knowledge - and knowledge is best obtained by talking to people with cf. I am forty-five years old living in Vermont. My...
  9. D

    Could we be on the road to CF?

    "I'm not going to hold your hand. Contact your nearest APPROVED CF CLINIC today, tell them what you have told us. If she has CF, delaying the dx will allow more time for her to develope lung damage. " Ditto. David Sholes Bennington Vermont
  10. D

    Could we be on the road to CF?

    "I'm not going to hold your hand. Contact your nearest APPROVED CF CLINIC today, tell them what you have told us. If she has CF, delaying the dx will allow more time for her to develope lung damage. " Ditto. David Sholes Bennington Vermont
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    All I can suggest is that you make sure to vote Democratic in the upcoming election. D. Sholes Bennington, VT
  12. D

    ABPA and your treatment.

    Sunflower, My ABPA clears up with 10 - 14 days of oral Voriconazole (anti-viral). It's a strong pill and I have to lie down for about an hour after I take it (vision issues and dizziness). But it does the job. And for an anti-viral those side-effects are minor. Perhaps ask about it. What...
  13. D

    ABPA and your treatment.

    Sunflower, My ABPA clears up with 10 - 14 days of oral Voriconazole (anti-viral). It's a strong pill and I have to lie down for about an hour after I take it (vision issues and dizziness). But it does the job. And for an anti-viral those side-effects are minor. Perhaps ask about it. What...
  14. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    "I'm so suprised that a bunch of people who don't know me seem to care more about my health that than my own doctor!" That's because we've all been in your place and we're all rooting for you. You are a beautiful ginger-haired Irish girl and we want you to live a long, full, and happy life...
  15. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    "I'm so suprised that a bunch of people who don't know me seem to care more about my health that than my own doctor!" That's because we've all been in your place and we're all rooting for you. You are a beautiful ginger-haired Irish girl and we want you to live a long, full, and happy life...
  16. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    Keely, I can't imagine why oxygen would not be an option unless it's due to cost. Question that one. Oxygen is great if you use it as a tool - a way of getting yourself back in shape. The danger is that some people feel so good on it that they get hooked. Don't do that. Not at your age...
  17. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    Keely, I can't imagine why oxygen would not be an option unless it's due to cost. Question that one. Oxygen is great if you use it as a tool - a way of getting yourself back in shape. The danger is that some people feel so good on it that they get hooked. Don't do that. Not at your age...
  18. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    "Does anyone know can I demand all these tests? Or if they say no, is that it?" YES!! Demand, kick, scream, threaten. Be an absolute pain in the arse if you have to. It's YOUR life afterall - not theirs. You HAVE to be your own advocate and fight for what you need, especially in the age of...
  19. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    "Does anyone know can I demand all these tests? Or if they say no, is that it?" YES!! Demand, kick, scream, threaten. Be an absolute pain in the arse if you have to. It's YOUR life afterall - not theirs. You HAVE to be your own advocate and fight for what you need, especially in the age of...
  20. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    Keely, I agree with the above post from jdmd about ABPA. The only time in my life when my PFTs took a severe dive was a result of ABPA - which I hadn't even heard of before then. Aspergillis is the mold that grows on any kind of rotting vegetation. It's the mold you'll see on onions; it's...