Search results

  1. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    Keely, I agree with the above post from jdmd about ABPA. The only time in my life when my PFTs took a severe dive was a result of ABPA - which I hadn't even heard of before then. Aspergillis is the mold that grows on any kind of rotting vegetation. It's the mold you'll see on onions; it's...
  2. D

    Am I overreacting?

    "The difference in perspective from parents of CFers vs. CFers is pretty interesting." I agree. Parents are more likely to react with fear and a strong desire to protect, where those of us with cf - the ones that have to deal with all the disadvantages - want to live our lives as normally and...
  3. D

    Am I overreacting?

    "The difference in perspective from parents of CFers vs. CFers is pretty interesting." I agree. Parents are more likely to react with fear and a strong desire to protect, where those of us with cf - the ones that have to deal with all the disadvantages - want to live our lives as normally and...
  4. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    Keely, Your post really pulled at my heart-strings. I feel so bad for you. But something is almost certainly going on to cause this sudden (and severe) drop in your PFTs. All the advise you have received so far is excellent. What a great group! I would like to know what various nebulizers...
  5. D

    Can somebody give me some answers, please!

    Keely, Your post really pulled at my heart-strings. I feel so bad for you. But something is almost certainly going on to cause this sudden (and severe) drop in your PFTs. All the advise you have received so far is excellent. What a great group! I would like to know what various nebulizers...
  6. D

    Am I overreacting?

    The best thing my parents did for me was treat me like a normal kid. When I was diagnosed at 8mos and they were told that I'd likely be dead by age 5 my parents held a family meeting with my three older siblings. There, they decided to continue doing all the things they loved to do - ski...
  7. D

    Am I overreacting?

    The best thing my parents did for me was treat me like a normal kid. When I was diagnosed at 8mos and they were told that I'd likely be dead by age 5 my parents held a family meeting with my three older siblings. There, they decided to continue doing all the things they loved to do - ski...
  8. D

    10K in New York, 2012

    What's the date? I might be interested. David Sholes Bennington, Vermont
  9. D

    10K in New York, 2012

    What's the date? I might be interested. David Sholes Bennington, Vermont
  10. D

    Joint Pain

    Lizlas - no, that perspective had not been offered and is very interesting. Thank you. I did speak to Cindy George at the National foundation in Bethesda and she is not aware of any studies that have been done in this area, nor any that are planned. She suggested that I contact a team of...
  11. D

    Joint Pain

    Lizlas - no, that perspective had not been offered and is very interesting. Thank you. I did speak to Cindy George at the National foundation in Bethesda and she is not aware of any studies that have been done in this area, nor any that are planned. She suggested that I contact a team of...
  12. D

    Joint Pain

    Okay... I continue to see additional variables. I do have a call into the National Foundation to talk to someone about this issue - Leslie Hazel. Waiting for a call back. I would love to begin gathering actual email addresses from you guys and develop some questionnaires to gather data. I...
  13. D

    Joint Pain

    Okay... I continue to see additional variables. I do have a call into the National Foundation to talk to someone about this issue - Leslie Hazel. Waiting for a call back. I would love to begin gathering actual email addresses from you guys and develop some questionnaires to gather data. I...
  14. D

    Joint Pain

    With the call tag of luv2run I can see why your Fev's are at 110%. I could be luv2sleep&eat which is why mine have decreased in recent years. I am 45 years old today - which is forty years beyond that which my parents were told to expect - but I'd certainly like to be in better overall heath...
  15. D

    Joint Pain

    With the call tag of luv2run I can see why your Fev's are at 110%. I could be luv2sleep&eat which is why mine have decreased in recent years. I am 45 years old today - which is forty years beyond that which my parents were told to expect - but I'd certainly like to be in better overall heath...
  16. D

    cfrd/impaired glucose tolerance

    Caryn, I have never heard or been told that the A1C is artificially low in the cf population. I'm looking around the internet and have gone through my CFRD book, but I'd be interested to know your source. I Learn new stuff every day even though I think I know it all. I just heard about...
  17. D

    cfrd/impaired glucose tolerance

    Caryn, I have never heard or been told that the A1C is artificially low in the cf population. I'm looking around the internet and have gone through my CFRD book, but I'd be interested to know your source. I Learn new stuff every day even though I think I know it all. I just heard about...
  18. D

    Joint Pain

    I had significant joint pain from ages 13-18 but nothing that could be firmly diagnosed. I had a miserable five years, bleeding ulcers due to too many NSAIDs, time on Plaquenil which effected my vision, etc. Then it pretty much disappeared for 25+ years. Now, within the past four months, at...
  19. D

    Joint Pain

    I had significant joint pain from ages 13-18 but nothing that could be firmly diagnosed. I had a miserable five years, bleeding ulcers due to too many NSAIDs, time on Plaquenil which effected my vision, etc. Then it pretty much disappeared for 25+ years. Now, within the past four months, at...
  20. D

    cfrd/impaired glucose tolerance

    I don't want to throw a wet blanket, but I think a 253 two-hour result puts him squarely in the CFRD range and probably warrants insulin therapy. That's a full 100+ points higher than a non-diabetic. Should be very interesting to see what the Endocrinologist has to say. One important thing I...