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  1. S

    want to talk about something other than being sick??

    <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">yeah well.....thanx.
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    how many times have you had pneumonia or the flu? name is Samantha...Im 14 and have had pneumonia 48 times and the flu about 30...I get sick alot but the doctors where im form didnt think to check for Cf until last September when i stopped breathing several times. well kinda lonely in a world without Cfers to talk to so...*write back soon*
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    hi im new here and need some advise

    hi hanna, name is samantha and i didnt get diagnosed until September of last year...Im 14. I have had ALOT of IVs and i gotta say theyre not that bad...the first time i had an IV was when i was like 6 wks old and i got my first case of pneumonia. well i dunno neone else with Cf either...
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    vegetarian with cf????

    I tried to be a vegetarian for a few months until i started losing wieght. My mom practically had to force meat into me for the first few weeks...but if your son can keep up his weight and doesnt get sick alot from it then i say you should go for it...but if his weight drops or he does start...
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    Hey CFboy. I know what youre going through...Ive gone through it myself.....But y is she trying to kill herself...? The only way to help her stop that is to make sure she knows that other ppl (you) in this world love her and that she is just going through a rough time...Make sure she knows that...
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    hey how many scars do u have from needles

    Hi...i have many. I have been in the hospital over 100 times and every times its IVs or blood being drawn so its not uncommon to have alot of scars....
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    CF Breastfeeding Stories

    This is a very interesting subject....i was reading to find out what others did as baby...I was taken off breast milk because of an alergy i succumbed to at 6 months...then we tried other milks and eventually all the milk i could drink was goats mom was worried and i wasnt gaining much...
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    any information on cystic fibrosis

    I have CF...What do you need to know??
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    want to talk about something other than being sick??

    I think not every topic on this website should be for talking about being sick but talking about whatever you want and still know hey i could be making a friend with the same kind of disease i have or WE.....SAMYANTHA
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    Im happy for you that youre happy but how else what other stuff would pull you apart? If you are truly in love with him then you should look at everything positive in your relationship right now and know that you will always be together.......then take a minute to look at anything wrong or bad...
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    chat name is Samy. uhh...I was just diagnosed in September. How've you been doing? I hope okay. uhhh...well. Im a little scared still but i am getting used to knowing. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">!!I love being 14 and doing stuff like everyone else but i...
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    how much do you weigh

    Hi my name is Samyantha G. I weigh 94 lb.s and im 5"5 1/2!! I was just recently diagnosed so im kinda new at this whole thing. Im 14