CF Breastfeeding Stories


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Hi everyone,

It has been awhile since I have been on the boards, so hope everyone is doing great. I have 2 children, Julia 6 w/out CF and Ben 22 months w/CF. We had a very long and trying year last year with several hospital stays, diagnoses, RSV and just alot of worrying over getting Ben on stable ground. We are happy to report he has gone from off the charts, to the 5%, to the 30% and now to the 50% over the last 18 months! He is healthy and all boy.

One of my "passions" along the way has definately been the nutrition and feeding of our little CF guy. I had planned on breastfeeding our second child come hell or high water...little did I know both those things would come. We breastfed exclusively for the first 3 months (prior to diagnosis) while we agonized over why he wasn't growing. Many doctors felt it could be a severe food allergy so encouraged us to keep going. He developed several vitamin deficencies and eventually low protein levels landing him in hospital twice. The second time we were finally able to get enough sweat to verify CF. This is the point at which breastfeeding became extremely challenging. As everyone went into emergency mode with Ben, the nutrition staff and doctors wanted to just get me out of the picture and discouraged me from breastfeeding. Long story short --- I defied them and continued with little to no support.

This topic remains close to my heart for so many reasons. First, as I researched the net and many medical sources, I found very little information supporting formula over breastmilk for CFers. I also found so many moms whose stories spoke of wonderful results with weight gain and more importantly the many other benefits to both mom and baby which we are already aware. I wrote a detailed letter along with research I found and shared it with our CF docs. I shared with them from my heart how horrible it was to feel unsuppored in this decsion when he showed them in growth and health that it was working. I shared with them the importance of it in terms of immune system development and the anti-inflammatory properties (omega 3) and on and on....well they were very receptive and promised that Ben would remain in their minds as a case for breastfeeding success. They promised they would discuss it with the other docs and at the very least think of me as a resource for support of any other mom who wanted to continue and needed some support.

So why am I posting to all of you? I would like to create something more permanent on the internet. I would like to share Ben's story, but I would very much like to gather at least 5-10 other stories about women who have either kept on breastfeeding despite obstacles or lack of support OR those who were encouraged to breastfeed and how you were supported in that decision by the medical staff. I'd love the site to feel like a mother's journal touching on how breastfeeding may have served to soften the blow of diagnosis, kept the bond strong during tough times in the hospital or just served as a sense of comfort knowing you were giving them what you feel is best for baby. If possible, keep them between 1000-1500 words or less and if you wish to remain anonymous that is fine.

If you would like to send me your story, please email me at topic "CF Breastfeeding Journal". I am putting together a list of some questions/topics you could use to getting those writing juices flowing or you can obviously just let 'er rip in you own unique style. I would expect this to take a few months since I have 2 little ones and only a little time each evening to work on it. By the end of the summer I'd love to have this little site put together.

Please consider sharing your story so the next generation of CF moms can have a chance at receiving even more support for this very personal decision.

Thank you so much for reading and considering sharing your story. You all were such a big help to me this past year when I was uncertain, I would love to give back to the moms coming down the CF road.



New member
Hi Jody,

I just read your post...I was still breasfeeding my daughter when she was diagnosed...our doctors were very supportive and encouraging. I have written down your email and I look forward to sharing my history with you...

Mom to Amanda 11 w/cf


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I am strong supporter of breastfeeding as well. I breastfed my first child(no CF) and breastfed my 3 year old daughter with CF. We nursed through2 major surgerys and it wa svery challenging. Most stafff was mostly supportive but it was my determination that kept the breastfeeding going. I wrote an article that was in Motherwear (a catalogue for nursing clothing) about some of my experience for the same reason you described. There just isn't enough research about breastfeeding specifically a baby with CF. I'ld be happy to share our experience with others.



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Thank you all for your interest so far. Do you have any other favorite CF sites you think I should post this message to in order to get some more stories?

Amy, I would love your story and any other adult CFers out there whose mom breastfed you as little ones. The more the better!

I really want this to be both inspiring, educational and beautiful. I hope to have someone who is good with photos and graphics to help me do some beautiful breastfeeding/mother child photos. If you wish to include any of yourself with your stories that would be wonderful too.



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Oh and the word limitation....I think that it is too small. Just write what you feel and if it is long that is fine. I can't write anything in a succinct way, so I don't want that to limit it in any way.


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Ry's mom breastfed him, and supplemented with formula when he was still hungry and she didn't have enough milk. Ry did fine on it, I can't think anyone would suggest NO breastmilk.


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Caleb was strictly nursed for almost 18 months... he never took a bottle/pacifier.. never had babyfood until i stopped nursing. Calebs doctors always incouraged me to nurse and never told me other wise....

Melissa mom to dylan 7 no cf and caleb 4wcf


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I breastfed my son for his first year, he's almost six now. I am so glad I did and I know that it did wonders for his immune system. He was not diagnosed until he was 18 months old and had stopped nursing. He did have a very difficult time gaining weight and I thought it was my fault. At his one week check-up we took him in and he had lost almost 2 pounds since birth. We were scared to death and immediatly started supplementing with formula. It did help for a while but by the time he was six months he was barely ten pounds. His pediatrician was awesome and understood my desire to continue breastfeeding---but he needed more. She sent me to a lactation consultant and we started using this SNES to supplement. It is like an upside down bottle with little tubes that you put in the baby's mouth as he his nursing. The extra calories gave him the boost he needed and he started gaining. He had no colds his first year and was pretty healthy. I know the immunities he got while nursing have helped to reduce the number of colds, etc... he is exposed to now. I am all about building his immunites and not putting him in a bubble.

We never had do deal with his CF doctor encouraging/discouraging breastfeeding since he had stopped by then. We are trying to get pregnant again and if the baby has CF it will be interesting to see what nutritional advice will be given to us. I would love to help you and can send some pictures if you want. I have this really great one of him nursing less than an hour after birth, he was looking right into my eyes. I love that picture!


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Melissa, would you like to share your story of success and support? I would love to hear more and have your story on the site. I can send you a list of questions if you email me.

Sheli, did you want me to use this as your story? If so, can you email me...and yes the picture would be wonderful!

Allie, would you like to share more as well?

Thanks...this is turning out wonderfully so far. We are up to 6 stories so far if you all wish to be included.


New member
Here is the list of questions I came up with. It is by no means exhaustive but maybe it will help in putting together a written piece.

General breastfeeding:

What made you wish to breastfeed your child?
Did you breastfeed your other children?
Did you do anything to prepare such as contacting a lactation consultant or la Leche Leage leader prior to the birth?


Did you know prior to birth that your baby had CF?
If so, how did you prepare? What kind of support or lack of support did you get from the medical staff both OBGYN/midwives or pediatric pum/GI doctors?
Did you ever have to supplement? If so, was there lactation consultant available to help with ways to do this without interrupting the breastfeeding relationship?

Was there training in use of enzymes?

If not, when did you find out?
How old was your baby?
What kind of complications led you to diagnosis?
How did the medical staff look at breastfeeding once your baby was diagnosed? Were they supportive? If so, how? Did they know how to work with you if supplementation was required to boost weight? Did they have resources for you if you needed help (ie lactation consultants, pump and supplemental nurser suppliers, la leche league leaders in your area)?
If not, how and why did you continue? What measures did you take to ensure your baby was getting enough calories or growing adequately, if any? Did you seek outside help such as lactation consultants, la leche leaders, or internet support? Were you able to be honest or did you have to play it down?


How did your decision to breastfeed your CF baby impact your family?
Did it add to your stress or relieve it?
How did it make you feel to breastfeed a child with a CF diagnosis?
Do you feel it helped you stay close to your baby while working through the grief and challenges of understanding and integrating the diagnosis into your lives?
Did it help you to know you were giving them special immune properties only found in breast milk?
Did you notice any changes in respiratory health when they began eating solids or when they weaned? If so, what kind of changes?
What would you change if anything, in you breastfeeding experience?
Would you choose it again and why?
Do you feel it made you more aware of nutrition and the importance of food and supplements in your child's life? In other words, did it lead you to any other healthy decisions for your child or family?
Describe the weaning process and any emotions felt during that time? Was it hard to let go of the special time and why? Were you ready and how did you know? Were you concerned about health changes after weaning? If so, how did you work through it?
What role did you partner play in child care? How did you make it work?
If you were unsupported in your decision, how did this make your feel as you went through that first year?

Hope to hear soon.


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This is a very interesting subject....i was reading to find out what others did as baby...I was taken off breast milk because of an alergy i succumbed to at 6 months...then we tried other milks and eventually all the milk i could drink was goats mom was worried and i wasnt gaining much weight...the doctors have misdiagnosed me for 14 eventually i started drinking milk again regardless to the alergy and gained a little weight...when i was old enough to eat food i wouldnt stop eating and not gaining but very little weight...once again my mom got worried and i was again glad you brought up this topic....Thanx....SAMYANTHA.


New member
Okay, I called Hannah and trascribed the whole thing for you, I hope it helps out.


General breastfeeding:

What made you wish to breastfeed your child? <b> I don't really know, my family has always done it, I just assumed that was how it was done. It wasn't really a choice, it was just something I did. *laughs* </b>

Did you breastfeed your other children? <b> oh, Ry and Darius both were breastfed, yes. </b>

Did you do anything to prepare such as contacting a lactation consultant or la Leche Leage leader prior to the birth? <b> No, I called my mother *laughs* But I never called a professional. </b>


Did you know prior to birth that your baby had CF? <b> We had no idea, and little Ry was diagnosed when he was 2 months old, he just wouldn't gain weight. at first I thought I was just doing it worng *laughs* and he was always hungry, always, always. Of course, that never changed *laughs* </b>

If so, how did you prepare? What kind of support or lack of support did you get from the medical staff both OBGYN/midwives or pediatric pum/GI doctors? n/a

Did you ever have to supplement? <b> Yes, I just couldn't keep up with him. I had to give him formula, but it was all fine and well and he did fine </b>

If so, was there lactation consultant available to help with ways to do this without interrupting the breastfeeding relationship? <b> No, no, no. Women today have so many things we didn't . We just sort of freestyled and hoped *laughs* </b>

Was there training in use of enzymes? <b> Not really, our doctor was really a not very helpful know it all, and I just wanted to smack him on the tucus and tell him what was what </b>

If not, when did you find out? <b> He was 2 months old when they tested him for Cf</b>
How old was your baby? <b> 2 months </b>

What kind of complications led you to diagnosis? <b> He would not gain weight, and the poor thing was always always hungry. They couldn't figure out what was wrong until they tested his sweat. Which is how they tested back them, you know dear </b>

How did the medical staff look at breastfeeding once your baby was diagnosed? <b> They were worried I'd try to only breastfeed when he needed all the calories he could get. Like I was going to starve him *laughs* But I was going to do it whether they told me i could or not, I'm a boob rebel! *laughs* </b>

Were they supportive? If so, how? <b> As long as Ry was gaining, the doctor gave me a lot a chances. But you know, dear, we didn't have a clinic and all these rules kids have today. Mothering instict was more trusted. I had a pediatrician, and a pulmonologist and a rabbi *laughs* We just had to do our best </b>

Did they know how to work with you if supplementation was required to boost weight? Did they have resources for you if you needed help (ie lactation consultants, pump and supplemental nurser suppliers, la leche league leaders in your area)? <b> I don't think the doctor was very interested in talking about my boobs *laughs* you can talk about it so much more now, it was not as discussed then. They jsut told me formula would probably be needed to gian weight, and they were right, but I didn't stop breastfeeding, I just added formula too. Ry had a big tum tum for a little baby *laughs* </b>

If not, how and why did you continue? <b> It wasn't hard, you know your baby. I gave him a bottle of formula when he was till hungry, no more issue for the baby </b>

What measures did you take to ensure your baby was getting enough calories or growing adequately, if any? Did you seek outside help such as lactation consultants, la leche leaders, or internet support? Were you able to be honest or did you have to play it down? <b> We had to work very very hard his whole life to keep him on growth charts, but he kept gaining, so i didn't worry. If I wasn't doing a good enough job, I added more formula. I neevr really worried, i was a calm mother because I wasn't smart enough to be worried *laughs* I was only 19, honey, what did I know? </b>


How did your decision to breastfeed your CF baby impact your family? <b> Should it have? Who knows so much? I didn't </b>

Did it add to your stress or relieve it? <b> Breastfeeding? I must be off of the times *laughs* It just was. It wasn't anything to debate about to me. CF was stressful, but not breastfeeding. </b>

How did it make you feel to breastfeed a child with a CF diagnosis? <b> I did feel bad when I couldn't fill him up, but I gave him formula too, and he was a happy baby. Other than that, it was just like feeding Darius. Baby's gotta eat *laughs* </b>

Do you feel it helped you stay close to your baby while working through the grief and challenges of understanding and integrating the diagnosis into your lives? <b> perhaps...maybe if only in the fact that I could not grow apart from him. But teh formula gave me a way to keep Michael close to him too, so who knows? I was a dumb teenager, Allie. *laughs* I never overthought it. We did what we had to do in such times. </b>

Did it help you to know you were giving them special immune properties only found in breast milk? <b> I didn't know. *laughs* Oh, I am jsut a horrible mother *Laughs* </b>

Did you notice any changes in respiratory health when they began eating solids or when they weaned? If so, what kind of changes? <b> Oh, that was such a long time ago, but I don't really think so. I started giving Ry baby cereal really early because he was so, so hungry. He loved food more than he seemed to love breastmilk, I didn't really notice a dip in his little lungs till about 3 or 4. </b>

What would you change if anything, in you breastfeeding experience? <b> Nothing, really </b>
Would you choose it again and why? <b> I did, for Darius. Again, it jus was. It wasn't even a choice for me. </b>

Do you feel it made you more aware of nutrition and the importance of food and supplements in your child's life? In other words, did it lead you to any other healthy decisions for your child or family? <b> *laughs* No, not at all. We ate like we always did </b>

Describe the weaning process and any emotions felt during that time? Was it hard to let go of the special time and why? Were you ready and how did you know? <b> I weaned when I felt Ry was old enough. He was more into solids by then anyhow, and he really didn't fight me much, which made it easy. It wasn't hard because I had so many things that made me close to my baby. Baths and games and him being my precious little baby boy. I didn't need the breastfeeding to make me his mother, understand? He was still my son </b>

Were you concerned about health changes after weaning? If so, how did you work through it? <b> I never worried, we were so watchful on Ry. And he neever dipped till he was older. Just colds like other kids. </b>

What role did you partner play in child care? How did you make it work? <b> Michael was a good father, he played with Ry, and fed him his formula, which was good because I michael and him to be close too, it's hard for the fathers sometimes too. </b>

If you were unsupported in your decision, how did this make your feel as you went through that first year? n/a