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  1. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Thank You for your answers to my FEV1 and prengancy question. My FEV1 value have been around 50% now about 4 years. Now it is the 49%. Mutation is DF508. Br, Helena
  2. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Thank You for your answers to my FEV1 and prengancy question. My FEV1 value have been around 50% now about 4 years. Now it is the 49%. Mutation is DF508. Br, Helena
  3. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Thank You for your answers to my FEV1 and prengancy question. My FEV1 value have been around 50% now about 4 years. Now it is the 49%. Mutation is DF508. Br, Helena
  4. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Thank You for your answers to my FEV1 and prengancy question. My FEV1 value have been around 50% now about 4 years. Now it is the 49%. Mutation is DF508. Br, Helena
  5. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Thank You for your answers to my FEV1 and prengancy question. My FEV1 value have been around 50% now about 4 years. Now it is the 49%. Mutation is DF508. Br, Helena
  6. H

    FEV1 and Infertility treatments?

    Hi, Is there any one who have get Infertility treatments and the FEV1 have been under 50%..? I have now FEV1 49%, and doctors considers that will they give me any treatments. Thank You! H
  7. H

    FEV1 and Infertility treatments?

    Hi, Is there any one who have get Infertility treatments and the FEV1 have been under 50%..? I have now FEV1 49%, and doctors considers that will they give me any treatments. Thank You! H
  8. H

    FEV1 and Infertility treatments?

    Hi, Is there any one who have get Infertility treatments and the FEV1 have been under 50%..? I have now FEV1 49%, and doctors considers that will they give me any treatments. Thank You! H
  9. H

    FEV1 and Infertility treatments?

    Hi, Is there any one who have get Infertility treatments and the FEV1 have been under 50%..? I have now FEV1 49%, and doctors considers that will they give me any treatments. Thank You! H
  10. H

    FEV1 and Infertility treatments?

    Hi, Is there any one who have get Infertility treatments and the FEV1 have been under 50%..? I have now FEV1 49%, and doctors considers that will they give me any treatments. Thank You! H
  11. H

    CF and pregnancy, when it is safety?

    Hi, What did You do Scarlett81, that you get so much improving to FEV1..? A lot of excercise..? - Helena - 30, w/CF (My english can be bad, because I am from Finland.)
  12. H

    CF and pregnancy, when it is safety?

    Hi, What did You do Scarlett81, that you get so much improving to FEV1..? A lot of excercise..? - Helena - 30, w/CF (My english can be bad, because I am from Finland.)
  13. H

    CF and pregnancy, when it is safety?

    Hi, What did You do Scarlett81, that you get so much improving to FEV1..? A lot of excercise..? - Helena - 30, w/CF (My english can be bad, because I am from Finland.)
  14. H

    CF and pregnancy, when it is safety?

    Hi, Do You know when the pregnancy is safety with CF, is there some recommended limits? Is there somewhere any mecical guide or some document of CF and pregnancy? My FEV1 changes from 49% to 54%, and BMI is 22. Thank You! - Helena - 30, w/CF
  15. H

    CF and pregnancy, when it is safety?

    Hi, Do You know when the pregnancy is safety with CF, is there some recommended limits? Is there somewhere any mecical guide or some document of CF and pregnancy? My FEV1 changes from 49% to 54%, and BMI is 22. Thank You! - Helena - 30, w/CF
  16. H

    CF and pregnancy, when it is safety?

    Hi, Do You know when the pregnancy is safety with CF, is there some recommended limits? Is there somewhere any mecical guide or some document of CF and pregnancy? My FEV1 changes from 49% to 54%, and BMI is 22. Thank You! - Helena - 30, w/CF
  17. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Do You know is there some lines of FEV1, what is a safety value of FEV1 to have children? Helena 30, w/cf
  18. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Do You know is there some lines of FEV1, what is a safety value of FEV1 to have children? Helena 30, w/cf
  19. H

    Your FEV1 and pregnancy

    Hi, Do You know is there some lines of FEV1, what is a safety value of FEV1 to have children? Helena 30, w/cf