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  1. M

    Vertigo/vestibular imbalance/ototoxicity

    Dizzyness Is there a sensation of pressure or fullness in the ear? This could be due to excess salt in the inner ear, called cochlear hydrops. Try limiting salt intake: If limiting salt intake helps the dizzyness, speak to your doctor about this. Many persons with dizzyness improve by simple...
  2. M


    Not sure why but many persons with pill swallowing difficulty do well by taking the pill/pills with apple sauce.
  3. M

    N-Acetyl Cysteine, useless or useful?

    N-Acetyl Cysteine is currently used as a special amino acid that helps to protect hearing and other cells. Products known to lower the viscosity of mucus include papain - an enzyme from papaya and bromelain - an enzyme from pineapple. These are commonly available to swallow as an aid to...
  4. M

    Invitation to My Blog

    You are invited to view my blog, and my recent article, "Three Steps to Clear Infection in Chronic Sinusitis and Cystic Fibrosis." Hope this helps.