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  1. J

    One thing about CF that still really pisses me off!

    i know this feeling... sometimes after along day w/ my 3 year old i just want to pass out and then im lieing in bed coughing my brains out, very sexy!!! lol and im like oopps now i got to get up and do my nebs,, it sucks then they make me wired and racey so im not tired no more. i dont sleep...
  2. J

    March 18

    i saw the show it was great, and you look great too!!! keep going girl
  3. J

    to the moms here who have Cf

    i took all my meds, except the 1st 3 months i didnt do tobi, which i really only missed 1 month.. but everything else i still did.. and my son was full term 8lbs and as healthy as can be... so dont stop any meds!!! good luck
  4. J

    me and my baby!!!

    here is a pic of me and my son, i dont know yet how to put it in the cf photo gallery...
  5. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

    sorry i was trying to figure out how to put a pic on here... both pic are recent.. me and my son ... thanks!!!
  6. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  7. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  8. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  9. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  10. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  11. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  12. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  13. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  14. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  15. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  16. J

    gallbladder and coconut oil

  17. J

    Happy St. Patricks day!

  18. J

    Creon 10

    i take creon 20 w/ my meals...
  19. J

    Anyone else have internet trouble yesterday?

    yes i coundnt get on all day!!!!
  20. J

    Anyone else have internet trouble yesterday?

    yes i coundnt get on all day!!!!