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  1. M

    Here we go--baby cultured pseudomonas

    Just a quick update--the pseudomonas did not show up on the culture again this time. Something else did show up, I didn't understand the name of it and am waiting for spelling clarification but there's not much information in it out there? Anyhow, if we were to treat it, it would be with...
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    Need some CF friends!!!

    Ok, butting in here, but 1-you have an awesome name! I'm sure you've heard "Chuck NORRIS" from time to time right? And 2-I LOVE Christmas lights coordinated to music! A house around here does this every year and has an AM radio station that you set it to when you pull up--so cool! Can't wait to...
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    Newborn Screening- NERVOUS WRECK PLEASE HELP!

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    No Sweat at Sweat Test

    How old is your son? Our daughter sweat tested at 25 days old, and they were concerned she might not produce enough sweat. They had me put on layers of clothes and then I also wore her (I babywear with a wrap) and she was against my body....needless to say, when we took her off we were both...
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    Here we go--baby cultured pseudomonas

    Thanks so much Helen! :)
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    Here we go--baby cultured pseudomonas

    Thanks for the input everyone. Because she shows no symptoms, we cultured again today at the recommendation of her DR and will hopefully have the results by Friday. If it wasn't transient and it cultures again, we will treat ASAP. I did get a "teaching" session on how to use the pari...
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    Keeping illness away?

    OK so I'm having a really hard time understanding how we keep our baby protected from illnesses, especially in our own home. We have five kids-14,10,5,4 and 8 weeks. The 5 and 4 year old are super affectionate with the baby; which is fine except this stinkin' cold keeps circling around. Right...
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    Here we go--baby cultured pseudomonas

    So I received a phone call this morning that our 8 week old cultured pseudomonas (she also pointed out there there was a study awhile back that followed non cf newborns up to 1 years old and some showed pseudomonas as well, so it's possible). From what I understand, this is common in CF. Can...
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    Newborn Screening- NERVOUS WRECK PLEASE HELP!

    I would ask the clinic you are going to if they could order a DNA sequencing on you and your significant other. That was the next step for us--and it was found that my husband carried DelF508 and I carried I1366T. In the state of California, I believe it's covered by the newborn screening...
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    Newborn Screening- NERVOUS WRECK PLEASE HELP!

    Glad you are feeling better! I could SO relate to your first post--I was a wreck when I received the call (it was just a couple weeks ago, feels like it's been ages!). But as time is passing, it's getting easier. She's still a normal baby, doing everything she's supposed to be doing and meeting...
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    4 week old has CRMS for right now

    Update-Did our followup Monday. Our daughter is now 8 weeks old tomorrow. Weighed in at 11.2 lbs (58 percentile). Fecal elastase was 400; getting another done because they were iffy with the lab I used up here (we are 1.5 hours from Children's Hospital Los Angeles). Throat culture from her appt...
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    Newborn Screening- NERVOUS WRECK PLEASE HELP!

    Hi Worriedmotherof3! How are you doing? Been a few days since you checked in--give an update if you can! :)
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    What does life look like after CF diagnosis?

    Thank you all for the responses! Glad to see that all of you carry on and live life to the fullest. I'm also relieved to see that some of my feelings and questions are normal! :)
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    What does life look like after CF diagnosis?

    Hi everyone. So while we're in the waiting period of finding out what exactly is going on with 5 week old (tomorrow!) and if she has CF or not, I've really been thinking. We have four other children, and up until this point, life has just been coming and going as we please--no medications, etc...
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    When (If) did your CRMS turn into CF?

    My daughter was just "diagnosed" with CRMS last week based on her 2 mutations-DelF508 and another of unknown clinical significance (not classified as a CF causing mutation as of yet); but shows absolutely no symptoms. Just found this- What is CRMS? When a person has a sweat test that gives...
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    1 copy F508del mutation

    I would. The way that California Newborn Screening works is if they find one of the common 40 mutations in CA, they automatically run a full DNA sequencing which is how they found my newborn's rare mutation, I1366T. Her "common" mutation was DelF508 (or F508del). Are you going to a CF center or...
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    IRT levels newborn screening

    My baby has no symptoms, but she's only 4.5 weeks old. Good luck, you're not in this alone! :)
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    4 week old has CRMS for right now

    Hey WildCherry, thanks so much for this post! I am very encouraged by your story, this is exactly what I am hoping for! We are doing a repeat sweat test between 4-6 months, it's the waiting and not knowing until then that is going to be very, very hard.
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    4 week old has CRMS for right now

    Thank you so much for all this information, Beccamom! I really appreciate it :)
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    4 week old has CRMS for right now

    4 week old has CRMS for right now-Update in Post #7 Here is what I know so far--we went to Children's hospital Monday to get the sweat test and consult. The sweat test results were indeterminate--one was 33 and the other was 30. For infants, anything 29 or less is considered negative. 30-59 is...