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  1. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Is there anyone else who has CF and had a parent that also had CF?

    hi Amber, thanks for replying! If she does have it it's probably a partially functioning one like mine (D1152h). People with two of those are typically diagnosed later in life. I was exhibiting symptoms by 29 because of my mother having two DelF508's, the combination results in atypical CF...
  2. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Is there anyone else who has CF and had a parent that also had CF?

    Hi Stephen, Thanks for replying! I am working on getting it as we speak.
  3. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Scared about the future?

    I think you should go for it. Even if you never pay off the debt, you should still do what you love.
  4. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Is there anyone else who has CF and had a parent that also had CF?

    Just wondering how rare this is. Cf son of a CF daughter. I find it a mixed bag this knowing how I'll die and being able to roughly calculate the time of my demise. I was just thinking how horrible it would be to know the exact time and manner of ones own death. Right after I had that...
  5. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    scared - newly found out i had 2 CFTR mutations

    My advice is don't worry, just get active. I ride my bicycle as my main transportation. But there are plenty of other activities that help people with CF. The other one I do is play guitar and sing songs (many of which I wrote). This has, in many ways, (not least of which may be the clearing...
  6. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Am I 9 months old or 19 years old?

    Pelvic floor muscle exercises will help quite a bit with that.
  7. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Just had bad Edema in my legs and Tho my doctors were stumped, I traced it to CF

    Malnutrition is the short answer for why CF patients experience edema. but since I'm a dirty hippie I'm deeply questioned about my alcohol use which has been pretty low for many years. I told them, no, I have CF and it's pretty likely that it's the cause. Sure enough after getting home from...
  8. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Who are you in a nut shell

    My name is Dee I'm a boy (but gender fluid) I'm 56 I live in CO I was diagnosed at age 49 I weigh around 137bs and I am 5'7" My PFT's are in the 90s my pancreas is insufficient but still produces insulin I am divorced and have no children I recently stopped working (2015) I was a community...
  9. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Starting to think I may actually have CF....

    You could have one of the late onset ones like mine in combination with your F508del
  10. CFsonofaCFdaughter

    Who can explain this mutation? Delta 508f/c.2274_2275delinsT

    Delta F508 means a "deletion" at F508. This is usually written F508del. i would click that link and get in touch with someone at Johns Hopkins Genomics. I just searched several CF mutation databases and could not find...